dead to me (short story)

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(a/n: this was originally planned to be a full-length fanfiction, but it flunked twice so I put it here)


summary: Daniella and Phil hate each other. When their school is attacked by undead creatures, they're shipped away to a refugee camp. The two are forced to get along if they want to survive, however Daniella is hiding a secret: he's a boy named Dan.

Dan sighed as he tapped his pencil against his desk, eyes darting around the classroom. He had zoned out his lecture, instead doodling and pondering. That is, until his teacher spoke up.

"Daniella, I doubt your drawing the formula for this problem, hm?"

"No sir, I'm sorry."

He wasn't out to anybody- not that he really had a soul to tell. His family was transphobic so he wouldn't risk anything there, and he didn't have any friends. He did have one acquaintance though, but just the idea of speaking to him made him want to puke.

"Probably drawing you, Mr. Jackson. You've got a nice bum," the so-called acquaintance spoke out, laughter from the other students following. The boy was Phil Lester. According to Dan, he's an asshole, with him making offensive jokes and wearing pants that hang too low. They've only ever spoken through swearing at each other. The two despised each other, knowing each other since middle school. They've never gotten along, and Dan didn't plan on changing that.

The bickering stopped when the intercom sounded, the principal's voice ringing out.

"Attention students of Clementon High School, we are going under lockdown. This is not a drill, we are going under lockdown. Please move out of sight and guard all doors and windows immediately."

"What the hell is going on?" One said.

"Alright everyone, quickly make yourselves hidden," he told them, switching off the lights and pushing a chair under the doorknob. He slid desks to block the windows.

"Mr. Jackson, do you know anything about this?" Another piped in.

"No, I don't. Now come on, guys, let's be safe please. Everyone quiet down."

"Alright, who pissed off a white kid lately?" Phil chuckled, classmates giggling with him. Dan snarled.

"Would you stop before you get us caught? Shut your stupid mouth up before the intruder shoots it off," he told Phil, following the rest of the class to hide beside the cabinets.

"We don't even know if it's someone with a gun," someone whispered to Dan.

"What do you think it could be?" He murmured back.

"I-" the girl paused when they all heard shuffling in the hall. Some held back their tears, others frozen in fear. Dan hugged himself, holding his breath.

"Mr. Jackson, what if we die?"

"We'll be okay, don't worry."

But oh god, had he never been more wrong, because the classroom door began shaking. Someone was pushing on it, but it wasn't just one's strength. It was many. A hand broke the door window, clawing around.

"What the fuck is that thing?" Someone gasped. Dan examined the hand closer, seeing it was a sickly pale color- almost grey. It smeared blood all over the front of the door, nails a brown color.

"We're gonna die in here!" One sobbed.

"There's no way out!" Another cried.

"The vent," Dan whispered to himself, thinking aloud. Then he realized that this was, in fact, a smart idea. So he repeated it louder. "The vent! Go up the vent!"

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