Chapter 1❤️

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Baekhyun's  P.O.V:

I woke up this morning feeling refreshed. My mother called me yesterday to say the she and my father needed to discuss something with me. I'm a bit nervous to find out but I know it won't be anything to bad because my mother's voice sounded excited.
Today I'm going to pick my bestfriend D.O and we're gonna go to the mall. But first I have to get ready. I put on black tight skinny jeans that hugged my legs perfectly, a white top that said 'converse' on it and chose black Adidas shoes to go with it and added some eyeliner to complete my look. I grabbed my car keys had I walked through my apartment

 I grabbed my car keys had I walked through my apartment

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And went to go and get in my white BMW X6

And went to go and get in my white BMW X6

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I got in and drove to Do's. ' I can't wait to see him it feels like years since we last saw each when we saw each other yesterday' I thought to myself. Then I heard a ding it was my phone.

As soon as I sent that text I arrived at kyungsoo's

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As soon as I sent that text I arrived at kyungsoo's.

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