Chapter 5🍜🍲

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(A/N Sorry if they are short I will try to make them longer and if you have any suggestions please do leave a comment)

Baekhyun's P.O.V:

Knock Knock

'What the hell is going on who is knocking and my door' I thought as I slowly opened my eyes and locked at my alarm clock and it read 9:45am uhhh why me and I pull the covers off of me and walk down the stairs forgetting what I'm wearing as I thought ' Could it be baekbeom no no it couldn't be he's not coming for two days so who could it be ' I soon was snapped out of my trance when I realised that was at my door. I quickly opened my door and came to realisation of who it is " Chanyeol what are you doing " I said as it slipped my mind that he said he was going to come over yesterday. " I said I was going to come over yesterday remember" he said looking me up and down smirking. ' like excuse me who the hell do you think you are looking at ' I thought to myself uhhh this cheeky s*** really. " yah what do think your looking at " I said crossing my arms looking all sassy. He just had a big grin on his face as he walked in. And I just closed the door behind him. " do you want any think to drink " i said walking to the kitchen " yeah I'll have whatever please " he said walking to my couch.

I grabbed two cups and poured in some fresh orange juice, walk back into the living room and I gave him the glass he says a quick thanks and I join him but sit in the opposite side of couch

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I grabbed two cups and poured in some fresh orange juice, walk back into the living room and I gave him the glass he says a quick thanks and I join him but sit in the opposite side of couch. While I turn on the tv and sip on my orange juice. I feel a stare on me and I look up " Ugh hum what are you looking at please enlighten me" I said now staring at his smirking face " nothings it's just that your outfit is very tempting right now" he said still looking at me up and down. I soon put my glass down and got off the couch " well if you'll excuse me I'll just go and get changed then" I said walking past him. But he grabbed my wrist before I could go anywhere and he pulled me on top of his lap. " I mean you don't have to get changed I don't mind " Chanyeol said with a big grin on his face, our faces only inches apart and then he starting leaning to kiss me but I quickly backed up and got off of him. ' I mean don't get me wrong I'm attracted to him but I think we're moving to fast when we don't know each other' I stood there telling myself until I heard Changeol say " I'm sorry baekh—" I cut him off " look Chanyeol don't say sorry it's just that I think we need to get to know each other first" I said moving back towards him. He soon started talking " you're right how about that date that I promised you" he said looking at me. I was about to open my mouth to say yes but then I remembered that me and kyungsoo are going to go out for lunch.

" I can't me and Soo are going out for lunch to discuss his date with Kai " I said with a sad tone. ' I mean I did feel bad that I couldn't go but I already made plans'. I looked up from my thoughts to see Chanyeol texting someone on his phone. " uhh hum " I faked cleared my throat. He looked up " oh sorry I was just messaging Kai he wants to come over and hang out so how about tomorrow" he said smiling ' oh boy that smile is so dreamy' " sure what time " I said. " hmm I'm not sure I'll text you the details later ok " he said I look at the time it read 10:00 " so it's only 10 Soo is coming to get me at 3 do you wanna hang out for a bit " I said grabbing my white furry throw to cover up and sitting next to Chanyeol. " sure Kai's not coming to mine until 4 so I'll go at 3 if you don't mind " he said giving me a questioning look " I don't mind let's watch some tv " I said motioning for him to sit closer and he did he moved next me getting under the throw.

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