Chapter 16😱🔪😪

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(A/n sorry I had to republish chapter 15 I reread it the day after I posted it and there was a grammar mistake so I had to fix it but anyway enjoy)

Third Person P.O.V:

What on Earth was going on in Baekhyun's house. Kyungsoo had to cover Baekhyun's mouth. So that he wouldn't scream or gasp in shock. As they watched the two figures make there way into separate rooms. Once it was clear Baekhyun and Kyungsoo looked at each other. As they both let out a quiet gasp before looking at the rooms that the people went into.

They couldn't believe that the people that they had trusted would do this. I mean yes they didn't know them for that long but they trusted them. It was Chanyeol and Jongin that we're in the attic and it broke the both of them.

Baekhyun wasn't sure on what to do and the same goes for Kyungsoo. He wasn't sure just as much as his best friend. But they both decided to go to sleep and talk about it once they left.

      ————— Time Skip —————

It's been about three days since the kidnapping. Kyungsoo was still at Baekhyun's he didn't want to be at home. Even if he wasn't alone he didn't want to be near anyone. But with his friend Baekhyun, the pair didn't trust anyone. Not even the people they thought that they could.

The boys decided to go to the store to get some food. Since it's been a few weeks since Baekhyun last went. They both hopped into the car. And made their way to the grocery store. Which wasn't that far from where Baekhyun lives maybe a ten minute drive.

Baekhyun grabbed a cart while Kyungsoo was grabbing food

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Baekhyun grabbed a cart while Kyungsoo was grabbing food. They didn't bring a list they just grabbed random food that they liked. Then made there to the cashier unloaded all there food. After packing Baekhyun payed, and they took there shopping to the car. Putting it in the boot of the car before getting back in.

Ten minutes later they arrived at the house. They got into his apartment and put all the shopping away. Before Kyungsoo made dinner for the both of them.

When they had finished dinner Baekhyun washed up

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When they had finished dinner Baekhyun washed up. While Kyungsoo decided to go upstairs and take a shower. None of them had spoken to Chanyeol or Kai. And they both didn't have any plans to do so.

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