Chapter 18 🏨👺👶🏻

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Kyungsoo's P.O.V:

It was the next day and today they were finally going to let Baekhyun out. I was on my way to the hospital for a check up. And then I had to wait for Baekhyun to be discharged.

Once I arrived at the hospital, made my way inside and my appointment wasn't until 11:30am. I checked the time and my phone read 9:23am. I had enough time to check in on Baekhyun.

Third Person P.O.V:

Kyungsoo made his way to the vip area where Baekhyun was. He entered the room to see Baekhyun asleep. Kyungsoo sighed before he placed his bag down on the floor. By the chair before sitting down on the chair next go Baekhyun's bed. He waited for Baekhyun to wake up so in the meantime. He played games on his phone and checked the time.

10:17am he sighed Baekhyun still wasn't awake. ' if he's not awake by 11 I'll leave and come back ' Kyungsoo thought. Then he continued to play on his phone and message Baekhyun's parents. Since they had to leave town for a few days. And they asked Kyungsoo to let them know what happens.

Again at 11:02am Kyungsoo checked his phone. Sighing to himself before he collected his stuff. He had to be in his appointment in twenty eight minutes. Luckily it was in the same hospital so he didn't have to go to different one.

————— Time Skip —————

Once the appointment was done Kyungsoo went to go back to Baekhyun's room. He only had to go in for a check on the baby. And good thing that everything was okay with her. Considering everything that has happened lately. Once he entered his room he was taken back a bit. When he saw Baekhyun up and getting his things together.

Baekhyun noticed that Kyungsoo came in when he heard the door close. A smile appeared on his face as he finally can leave. And to see his best friend, so Baekhyun pulled Kyungsoo onto a hug. They hugged for a few seconds before both pulling away.

" so did they say you could go " Soo said happily. Baekhyun went back to packing his bag. " yeah they said I can pack my things and fill out some papers and then I can leave " he said.

Kyungsoo nodded " sorry I wasn't here when they told you " Baekhyun playfully rolled his eyes. Before turning around to face Kyungsoo. " it's okay you had an appointment remember you told me the other day before you left " Baekhyun said packing the last of his stuff.

Once he was done they had to wait for the papers. After waiting for thirty minutes the doctor arrived. Along side a nurse the nurse handed him his medicines. The doctor handed him the release papers. Baekhyun read over it before signing at the bottom.

" your free to go now Mr Byun and remember what I said about being safe " he said before he and the nurse left the room. Kyungsoo was confused on what the doctor was saying. So he looked at Baekhyun hoping that he would just come out and say it.

But he didn't say anything, the truth was Baekhyun choose to keep it a secret till they were outside. Once they got into the rental car Baekhyun told Kyungsoo. About what the doctor meant about safety. While Kyungsoo was driving he explained that doctor was aware somewhat of the situation.

But Baekhyun left out quiet a lot of details. Regarding them both being kidnapped. But he only mentioned the accidents with their cars. And about being stabbed. Baekhyun had been considering getting some extra protection since the kidnapping.

Bur unfortunately he didn't get it in time. Luckily however Kyungsoo did since Baekhyun had gone into hospital. " don't worry baek but your apartment is still close off until the case is closed " Kyungsoo sighed.

" I know but I'm glad that you found a place " he said as they both got into the car. Before Kyungsoo drove off back to their rental home. On their way to the rental house Baekhyun grew nervous. Not because of become of being outside of the hospital. But he was afraid of something happening like that again. He hadn't received any calls or texts from Chanyeol what so ever. Which it hurt him a lot he thought he would atleast call or text if he couldn't visit.

Baekhyun's P.O.V:

I pulled my phone of my pocket and I decided to give Chanyeol a text.

I pulled my phone of my pocket and I decided to give Chanyeol a text

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A few minutes of not getting a reply I left it. Deciding to leave it until he reply's back to me. I put my phone back into my pocket and looked out the window for the rest of the drive.

Once we stopped outside the house I thought ' wow it's so beautiful '. It wasn't actually that far from both of our houses. We reached the apartment and park the car outside. And got my all my stuff out from the car. Once you got to the top floor which was your apartment. And you had to say Kyungsoo did a great job.

Third Person P.O.V:

When they both entered the apartment it's was so cozy. And Baekhyun couldn't get over how big it was. I mean yes he's rich they both are, yeah his parents have huge house but still. It still surprises him no matter how much money he has.

Kyungsoo showed Baekhyun around, after they both sat down in the living room

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Kyungsoo showed Baekhyun around, after they both sat down in the living room. " just so you know that there is security in the building " Kyungsoo said fixing the cushions. Baekhyun felt relieved about the information.

" so you don't have to worry to much, there some downstairs by the lobby, some patrolling the area 24/7 and plus I hired bodyguards for when we're out and for our houses " he said with a serious look on his face he is willing to do whatever he can to protect his friend and go make sure he's okay.

Baekhyun nodded before sitting right beside his friend. Pulling him onto a hug while mumbling a thank you. All that Kyungsoo to do was hope nothing else would happen. But you never know what's around the corner. Especially who it is that is waiting and preying on you. Making sure that there next move will hopefully put you away for good.

The end

(A/N sorry this came out a couple days later than I planned but I hoped you enjoyed leave any suggestions on the comments)

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