Chapter 17🚨🏨😱

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Third Person P.O.V:

It's only been a day later, Baekhyun was still in hospital. Kyungsoo was going to of course look after him when he leaves the hospital. Obviously because of what they now know. They both still wasn't sure if it was all correct. But they were pretty much sure that they were.

Kyungsoo arrived back into the hospital after going home. And yes he went back to his house to grab some more clothes. But then he went to buy Baekhyun some clothes. Because he obviously couldn't get in as it was under investigation. So instead he bought him some new clothes. Now that they both didn't have any places to stay. Kyungsoo debated whether maybe they should just go back to his.

But then the image of the two men in his backyard. Made him confirm that he's not going back for a while. But he had people watching his house for him to make sure no one broke in.

So Kyungsoo decided to rent an apartment somewhere close to the city. It was already for them both so all he had to do was to wait for Baekhyun to come out of hospital. The doctors said that he couldn't be let out for a few more days. It was just to make sure that he's okay enough to go home.

      ————— Time Skip —————

It's been a few days since Baekhyun arrived at hospital. And today was the day he was going to get discharged. Finally Kyungsoo had been waiting for this day. He had packed all of Baekhyun's belongings. They were currently waiting for the discharge papers.

And while Baekhyun was in hospital only his parents and brother came to visit him. Chanyeol didn't bother turn up to see his ' soon to be husband ' that he said he cared for so much. So to say that Kyungsoo was angry was a massive understatement.

But Baekhyun himself was very much annoyed and mostly hurt. He thought that he actually cared for him. So he just decided he wasn't ready to talk to Chanyeol. Until he either got a apology or an explanation. Of course he would like to have both of them.

But it was about 8:09pm and Kyungsoo was packing up to leave. Because visiting hours were in between 9 am - 8 pm. But they let him stay for a few minutes to gather his stuff. He looked over to his friend who was already half asleep. He gave a small smile before speaking.

" are okay baek want me to get you anything " he asked concerned but Baekhyun just shook his head. When he tried to move to reach and get his phone. He quickly retracted it and held onto his stomach. Where the stab wounds were all stitched and bandaged up. Kyungsoo moved from the sofa to Baekhyun's side.

Putting his hand on his shoulder checking on him. " are sure your okay you don't look it " Kyungsoo said his voice full of concern. Baekhyun just groaned Kyungsoo was going to grab a nurse. But Baekhyun held his arm to stop him. " please I'm okay now just leave it " he whispered before letting go of his arm.

Kyungsoo just nodded before grabbing his stuff again. He gave Baekhyun a quick hug before heading to the door. And when he opened the door he turned back around. " do you need anything in the morning " Baekhyun shook his head " no just make sure that you take good care of my niece in there " he smile pointing to kyungsoo's stomach.

He was nearly 5 months along only two more weeks and he would be five months. He rubbed his stomach before nodding. " now you sure before I go " Baekhyun thought about it for a few seconds. Before shaking his head " okay then if your sure bye " Kyungsoo said leaving the room. As Baekhyun eyes shut as he fell into a deep sleep.

Once he closed the door he made sure to speak to the nurse. Once he got there he asked to speak to Baekhyun's nurse. " hello Kyungsoo is there a problem " Kyungsoo shook his head. " not really but he had a bit of pain in his stomach earlier when he reached to hard " he said giving a worried look on his face. The nurse just smiled before replying. " it's okay Ill look after him don't worry have a good night " she said he nodded " good night too " he said before walking away.

He was making his way out of the hospital entrance. When a car stopped right in front of him. He grew angry when he realised who had got out of the car. The people he really didn't want to see. Park Chanyeol and Kim Jongin after all this time they finally came. And right when it was closing time hell no. This time Kyungsoo is not letting this one slide.

They quickly ran to him before they could say anything. " really why did you turn up at 8:23pm " he said as while he checked his phone. They were both in complete shock and in guilt. " sorry we- " before Chanyeol could finish he got interrupted.

" no no excuses especially YOU " he said pointing at Chanyeol. Chanyeol looked down rubbing the back of his neck. " sorry I had to handle some things and I couldn't m- " he once again was interrupted. " no you just couldn't be bothered to come " he said frustrated at this point and just wanted to leave at this point.

" he's supposed to be your soon to be husband " he said trying to get a honest answer from him. " can I please go and see him " Chanyeol asked trying to get past Kyungsoo. " your too late it's already closing hours and plus he's asleep " Kyungsoo said making his way to his rental car until his was fixed.

But his arm was grabbed by Kai, Kyungsoo looked at him with disgust. " and what do you want I need to go " he said even more frustrated at this point. He pulled his arm out of Kai's grip before turning around to face him. " I tried coming by we both did to yours and Baekhyun's but you weren't there " Kai said, Kyungsoo just mentally rolled his eyes. Because at this point he was done with it all.

" maybe because my car was slashed, we were kidnapped and also Baekhyun was stabbed " Kyungsoo whisper yelled. They both just stood there in shock not knowing what to do or say. Again Kyungsoo rolled his eyes mentally. Turned around and walked to his rental car.

But he turned his head to face them before saying. " try being there when the people you say you love is hurt " he said before getting in his car and driving to the rental home.

And all Jongin and Chanyeol could do was stand there in shock. Chanyeol was disappointed in himself for not being there for Baekhyun. But he wasn't lying he really had things to take care of. He really did love him even if it was an arranged marriage.

But they decided to go home and try to come up with a plan to save and fix everything that they've done. They couldn't tell them because they know if would risk them. Chanyeol sighed " what are we supposed to do " Kai only just shrugged he didn't know either but he couldn't lose his family.

On the way home Kyungsoo had been driving for fifteen minutes at this point. When he noticed a car following him. ' not again really ' he thought to him self and so he decided to lose the car. And surprisingly it worked and he lost them. When he got back he made sure to check everything was clear. And he also told the security that was watching the rental house to keep an eye out.

He wasn't taking any chances and I'm the days after the stabbing. He got security guards to watch all three house. Even the rental since they were both going to stay here for a while. He made his way in the house locking it in the process.

And also as a figure or two or maybe even three was watching him.

The end

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