Chapter 13🔥👊🏻🥡

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Baekhyun's P.O.V:

I woke up the sweet sounds of birds chirping and my phone ringing. You moved your arm out of the covers and put answered it and put it to your phone.

Baekhyun: Hey you called
Kyungsoo: hey Baek don't worry about helping me today kai is okay
Baekhyun: ahh okay.....WAIT what kai fill me in now
Kyungsoo: later I need to go Kai's waiting in the car bye

Before I could reply he hung up this boy is gonna be the death of me. I put my phone back down and turn around. To be met with Chanyeols sleeping face. I put my hand on his cheek before leaning and pecking his nose. Causing him to move about I moved my hand back.

And got up to take a shower but before I could I was pulled back onto the bed " W-what are you doing " i immediately mentally kicked myself inside for stuttering. He didn't answer instead pulled me into his chest. Darkness engulfing me as I fell asleep again.

Third person P.O.V:

Baekhyun and Chanyeol woke up again an hour later. They both got up and took a shower together. And yes yes they did have sex in the shower. But they both decided to go and get breakfast.

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Once they were ready they drove to a local Korean restaurant

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Once they were ready they drove to a local Korean restaurant.

Chanyeol: so what do you want to eatBaekhyun: I think I want Sundubu Jjigae what about you Chanyeol: Nakji Bokkeum

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Chanyeol: so what do you want to eat
Baekhyun: I think I want Sundubu Jjigae what about you
Chanyeol: Nakji Bokkeum

Once they knew what they wanted they called over the waiter and ordered. Once they had got and eaten there food. And payed, was getting ready to leave. When they meet face to face with someone they didn't want to see forever.

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