Chapter 11🤬💃🏻🌪

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(A/N: Sorry guys I know I haven't posted anything for a few months I've had a lot of issues and I am currently working 3 project including this)

Third person P.O.V:

Baekhyun was so busy laying on Chanyeols chest running circles. To notice that he had a woken up and Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun's chin connecting their lips in a passionate liplock. And things turned heated quickly Chanyeol moved so he was on top of Baekhyun. Baekhyun's hands in Chanyeol's hair lightly tugging his hair.

Chanyeol moved his lips to Baekhyun's neck nibbling and biting at the skin. And Baekhyun realising moans in response. Leaving purple marks on to Baekhyun's skin before moving back to his lips again. Chanyeol licked Baekhyun's bottom lip asking for entrance. But when he was denied a smirk appeared on his face.

He slid his hands down Baekhyun's waist to his thighs rubbing them. Baekhyun froze taking the opportunity he stuck his tongue into his warm carven. Hearing Baekhyun moaning was satisfying to Chanyeol and he moved down his body removing both of their clothes. Until both of them were only left in there boxers. And Chanyeols lips made there way down Baekhyun's body. Leaving marks everywhere until he stopped at Baekhyun stomach.

He went back up to reconnect their lips before connecting their foreheads before speaking. " if you don't want to do this we don't have to" Chanyeol said cupping Baekhyun's cheeks.

" No please I want to I want you really really bad" Baekhyun said while biting his lips. And that's when Chanyeol lost it reconnecting their lips like no tomorrow. Baekhyun decided to switch their positions so he was on top. Taking off Chanyeols boxers and throwing them on the floor somewhere.

And when he did he was meet with his huge member. And so he decided to go for it Baekhyun's mouth wrapped around Chanyeol huge member and started swirling his tongue. And what he couldn't fit he stroked. Chanyeol arched his back in pleasure but he didn't want to cum into his mouth so he pulled Baekhyun back up.

" lay on your back " and with that said Baekhyun obeyed straight away. " do you have any lube or this is gonna hurt babe " Baekhyun blushed at the name. Before he reached over to his draw grabbing some and getting a condom too.

" here " Baekhyun said before getting back into the position before spreading his legs. I wasn't too long till he heard the cap opening and two fingers at his entrance. " are you sure about this " Chanyeols asked " Chanyeol just fucking do it al—" before Baekhyun could finish his sentence Chanyeol had shoved two of long fingers inside of Baekhyun.

Moans and groans were coming from Baekhyun. And this was turning Chanyeol on even more. Once he though that Baekhyun was stretched he push into his entrance. " ahhh don't stop " Baekhyun said " oh believe me I don't plan on stopping until you scream came baby " he said fastening his pace.

After a while of thrusting into Baekhyun at an inhuman pace he finally got what he wanted. Baekhyun to scream his name before cumming clenching around Chanyeol. Soon Chanyeol came into the condom before pulling out and throwing the condom in the bin.

Before putting his boxers on and getting back into the bed.  Before they both headed to sleep.

(A/N sorry if it's bad but oh well and I'm gonna skip them waking up and saying goodbye so the next scene where Baekhyun's alone okay enjoy!!!)

Third person P.O.V:

Baekhyun's has decided to go out with kyungsoo. They hadn't decided yet where they were going or what they was doing. But Baekhyun thought that his bestfriend needed to get out.

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