Chapter 21 🔥⭐️💣

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Third Person P.O.V:

It's been a couple of days since the pair got into the car accident. And in those days they still haven't woken up. And by some miracle kyungsoo's baby was okay. And as soon as Jongin found out he rushed to get to the hospital. Once they both came out of emergency surgery. He asked the doctor how Kyungsoo was. Finding out that the baby was okay was a miracle to him.

He remembers the day a few days back when he got the call.


Jongin's P.O.V:

Ring Ring

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and answered. It was a call from a random number. " hello who's this " I said while walking to my car. " hello I'm calling about Mr D.o you were left as an emergency contact " my heart broke once I heard those words. " yeah what's the matter what's happened " I said confused. " Mr D.o and Mr Byun were in serious accident and are now in a critical state " the other person the phone said my heart dropped.

Once they told me the hospital I didn't hesitate to drive there. On the way there I called Chanyeol because I didn't know if he was told already.


" hello Kai um im kinda busy planning a wedding at the momen-" Chanyeol said before he could continue I cut him off. " no listen you may not have a fiancé if you don't get to get the hospital " the other line was silent for a while because I heard crying. " I'll pick you up okay where are you " I said " I'm-m at my office " he said and I immediately drove there.

          ———— Time Skip ————

Once we parked the car we ran inside straight away. Asking for Baekhyun and Kyungsoo they told us their room number. They were in the same room, once we got there. You got see them hooked up to a bunch of tubs and wires. It was honestly such a horrible sight to see. There bed were placed next to each other.

Third Person's P.O.V:

As the doctor came by Chanyeol stopped him. " umm excuse me but do you know what happend " he said looking back and forth between the doctor and Baekhyun. " They got into a serious accident and the police say that it wasn't an accident but that's all I can say I have to attend other patients " he said as he bowed. Kai and Chanyeol both bowed as well. Before thinking of who it could be, then it clicked. They both looked up at each other in shock and horror they realised just who did it.


Third Person's P.O.V:

It been two months since the accident and the police still can't find who did this. And Baekhyun's been in a coma for two months. Meanwhile Kyungsoo was awake but he had little energy. Considering he was also seven months pregnant. So the pair were both in a critical condition.

Therefore they were monitored constantly in case anything changed. The doctors didn't know how long Baekhyun would be in a coma for. Baekhyun's parents and his brother kept visiting every time they could if they weren't busy.

Because Kyungsoo has been awake, they were doing tests. To make sure that he was okay and would be able to go home. But Baekhyun wouldn't be able to leave until he woke up and had some tests.

Minutes turned into hours and hours turned into days. Kyungsoo's text were all done and he was free to go. Kyungsoo thought that it was best if he stayed with his parents. Luckily his parents lived relatively close to the hospital and to Baekhyun and kyungsoo's apartment.

Kyungsoo visited everyday to see Baekhyun. Most days he couldn't help but cry, he tried so hard not to. Because he didn't want to stress the baby but he also couldn't see his best friend like this. It was breaking his heart especially since he couldn't do anything.

Kyungsoo was currently sitting down next to Baekhyun. Holding his friend hoping that one day he'll wake up. His mind brought him back to all the memory's they shared together as friends. And it brought tears to his eyes, he quickly wiped them once he realised that he was crying. And held onto Baekhyun's hand again, resting his hand beside it on the bed.

A few minutes went by when Kyungsoo felt moving. But it wasn't coming from him, so he looked up to see Baekhyun moving. He still had his eyes closed but Kyungsoo called the doctor. The doctor ran in to check on Baekhyun. He checked him and Baekhyun slowly opened his eyes.

Kyungsoo couldn't stop smiling because now Baekhyun was awake. Once the doctor was finished he called Kyungsoo out to chat. Closing he door behind him Kyungsoo was a bit nervous. He was hoping that there wasn't any bad news. And that soon Baekhyun could go home once they finished tests.

" Mr D.O your friend seems to be doing okay but of course standard procedure we need to do test before we can think about letting him go " the doctor said. Kyungsoo agreed he wanted to make sure that Baekhyun was okay enough to leave. " how long would that take " he said curiously.

" depending on his progress a few months, also we would need to do physical therapy if Mr Byun can not walk properly on his own " he said before bowing to Kyungsoo and leaving. Kyungsoo went back in to see Baekhyun looking around.

" hey baek how do you feel " he said as he sat back in the chair. Baekhyun looked over to Kyungsoo and smiled. " I feel in pain and I'm tired " he said grabbing his phone. Kyungsoo wasn't going to tell him how long that he'd been in a coma for. Kyungsoo kept his face on Baekhyun's as he saw Baekhyun's face changed. To shock as Baekhyun looked up from his phone.

" how long have I been out for, I thought I was out for a few days " he said checking the date again on his phone. This caused Kyungsoo to chuckle a bit. " Baekhyun you've been in a coma " Baekhyun's face read shocked.

He didn't know that he was out for that long

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He didn't know that he was out for that long. But he obviously knew that it was a very serious accident. And that they were both in very critical conditions. But it still shocked him to know exactly how long he'd been in a coma for.

" wow " that's all he could really say because nothing else was coming out from his mouth.

————— Time Skip —————

It's been a month since Baekhyun had regain consciousness. And woken up from his two month coma. He has been in physical therapy and he made great progress. Baekhyun and Chanyeol had their wedding in a week. And luckily Baekhyun was able to leave the hospital. So they now didn't have to cancel their wedding.

Since Baekhyun could walk now, he was back to normal. Kyungsoo was now eight months and was getting really close to his due date. Kyungsoo helped Baekhyun plan the wedding while he was in the hospital. And Chanyeol help Baekhyun when he was in his physical therapy. And everything so far seemed to be getting back to normal.

But the question was for how long.

The end

(A/n sorry for the delay, also next chapter is the wedding and it's going to be long one but enjoy)

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