Chapter 3🏠🤔

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"Mum dad I'm here what do we need to talk about " I said sitting in front of them.

————Dinner Together————

Baekhyun's P.O.V:

"Oh Baekhyun dear it's nothing bad don't worry it's just that is and the Parks agreed that because you two will be getting married that you should live together I know you like your apartment but it might be nice" My mother said I couldn't believe it. "Can I keep my apartment I mean I have lived there for 3 years already please" I said ' I mean I bought it so they can't actually take it from me' I thought to myself "yes you can we can't take away from you we wouldn't anyway" my father said and my mother agreeing with his statement. "Okay is that all or.." I said looking phone at the time it's currently 6pm. " No go home but it's a family dinner next month and your brother is coming home for it okay " my mother said "really baekbeom is coming home really " I said so happy finally my older brother he's 24 I can't wait."yes we will see you tomorrow okay at 7pm okay don't be late okay" My dad said. I left my parents bidding goodbyes and hugs and I immediately texted Chanyeol when I got in my car wondering if he knew.

 I left my parents bidding goodbyes and hugs and I immediately texted Chanyeol when I got in my car wondering if he knew

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I turned my engine on and drive to the location he gave me when I arrived o was amazed by how nice it was

I turned my engine on and drive to the location he gave me when I arrived o was amazed by how nice it was

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I honked telling him I was here. " wow this house is amazing " I said out loud. As soon as I finished my sentence Chanyeol got in my car. " why did you want to go out for dinner " Chanyeol said looking at his phone texting someone. " I just thought we could get to know each other and eat okay is there anywhere you would like to go or shall I choose " I said starting my car pulling out of the drive way " you choose I don't care " he said in reply. So I drove for 10 minutes on silence Hana restaurant once arrived I parked and we entered the restaurant. A waiter came and said " Table for two " I nodded we had a nice table near the window of the restaurant. " what would you guys like to drink " the waiter said getting his note pad waiting for our order " can I have a Long Island iced tea please " I said the waiter nodding while writing it down " and I will have the same please " Chanyeol said " okay I'll be back with you drink and I'll get your orders " he said and left. " Baekhyun " Chanyeol started off grabbing my attention " yes " I said quitely but he managed to hear it. " baekhyun I have to warn you that there is this girl that I used to date we were together for 6 months and she won't let it go and she won't stop until we get a divorce when we are married but she plans to stop that and I know your probably wondering why I'm telling you I'm just trying to keep you safe okay " he said calmly it shocked me he cared for me . The waiter came back with our drinks. Also taking our order was " can I have galbi " Chanyeol said " can I have yukgaejang please " I said he nodded and wrote it all down and  left and it was back to silence untill my phone started ringing i looked at the name 'Baek- beom ' I immediately picked up. " hyung " I said excitedly and Chanyeol looking up from his phone confused "Baekhyun can you wait your older brother is finally coming home next month " my brother said on the other line. " yeah I can't wait to see you in a month I miss you so much Hyung " I said happily " i miss you too and look baek I don't want to go but I need to back to work I love you baby brother " my hyung said I replied with " I love you too but do you need me to pick you up I can if you want " I asked but he replied " no it's okay dad is picking me up from the airport okay bye or I won't be able to see you in a month okay " I replied with a simple okay bye and the call ended Chanyeol was going to open is mouth and say something but the waiter came back with our food " thanks " I said and he left.

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" Baek who was that if you don't mind me asking " he said before digging in to his food " no it's okay it was my brother " he sighed in relief

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" Baek who was that if you don't mind me asking " he said before digging in to his food " no it's okay it was my brother " he sighed in relief. "Would you be jealous if it wasn't my brother " I said before eating and chanyeol's eye went wide wider than kyungsoo's ever did and he nearly chocked on his food " n-n-no of course not" "okay good just making sure " I said smirking to myself and laughing on the inside.

             --------Time skip ---------

" Baek " Chanyeol called me while we made our way to my car and I turned around to face "yes Chanyeol " " I was wondering if you would like to go out on a date with me soon " he asked giving me a smile oh that smile was a million dollar smile. I felt butterflies in my stomach. " yes of course " I gave off a smile " can I ask you something chan" I said to making  him look at me. " sure anything " " so what you told me about dara earlier was that true " in return I just got a nod "so you do care for me " I said with a grin on my face and got a smirk in return. "Shall I take you home " I said and getting a nod in return.

We got in to my car and drove off the Chanyeol's house. We talked on our way to drop Chanyeol off we were just talking about our family we were went to go for school,college and surprisingly we went to the same college but never crossed paths until now. ' weird ' I thought to myself once we got to Chanyeol's, I stopped in the driveway. "Thanks for dinner and I'll see you Sunday " he said he pulled my head forward our faces only inches away I thought he was gonna kiss me but he didn't instead he placed a kiss in my forehead and got out before I could even utter anything. I just sat there in shock for moments while my stomach flutters and incident. As soon as I came back to my senses I drove home. When I got home I couldn't stop thinking about earlier I could feel my Redden i decided to sleep.

And that night I dreamt about that giant again


A/N: I did make longer and I'm trying to make it interesting but leave a comment what you think I should do and I'll consider it

Thanks 😁😉

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