Chapter 2❤️🏠

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I then drifted to sleep dreaming about that giant.

------------Hanging out----------

Baekhyun's P.O.V:
I woke up to the sudden ring of my alarm clock 'uhhh why so I early' I thought to myself and then remembered that I was me kyungsoo this morning for coffee. I checked the time it read 8:30am. So I got up out of bed and did my daily routine shower and brushing my teeth etc. I put on a dark blue skinny jeans that show off my thighs hugging them ever so tightly. And went with a black plain t-shit with black converse trainers. Finally adding to my look I put on some black eyeliner to make my look perfection. I looked at my phone and I was 9:45. So I rush out of my apartment and got in my car and went to go pick kyung up luckily he only lives five minutes away from me. As soon as I reached to kyungsoo house I immediately texted him to tell him I was here.

 As soon as I reached to kyungsoo house I immediately texted him to tell him I was here

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As soon as I hit send he had already opened my car door. "Hey kyungsoo are you ready" I said starting the engine of my car. He quickly put on his seat belt and said a quiet 'yes'. "Soo is there something wrong you awfully quiet" I said looking at him worriedly ' he's never this quiet weird' my thoughts were soon interrupted when he finally said"no Im just thinking about something"he said "like what kyuniee" I said trying to think what was going on in that little brain of his. "I'm just quiet because I can't believe you my bestfriend is getting married that's all" he said breaking the silence.

      ---Time Skip to the coffee shop---

The waitress came to our table and asks what our orders are.
"What can I get you two" The waitress said looked the both us.

"Can I have a Mini Caramel Popcorn Cream Frappuccino please" I said looking at the menu then at the waitress giving a simple smile. She then turned to kyungsoo and said "and what would you like sir" in reply "I'll have the same as him please"she replied with"yeah sure be right back"and went off.
"Baekhyun" Soo asked, I looked over to him and said "yes kyung is something the matter "he looked at me with a smile on his face."what Soo " I said with a smile on my face "I'm just thinking about you getting married I can't believe it hahaha" he said laughing. Just as he said that the waitress came back with our drinks.

 Just as he said that the waitress came back with our drinks

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