Chapter 10💋🛍

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(A/N Sorry I haven't posted For almost a month I just haven't been feeling well and I've had a lot of stuff going on currently)


me and Chanyeol agreed to meet up at Starbucks to talk. I needed to know more about this Sandara girl. It's been 30 minutes or so since he was supposed to be here. ' hmm I'll give him 30 more minutes before I leave I mean I have to find us a house ' I though to myself while playing around with my phone.

While I was checking on my social media I heard a deep voice. Pulling me out from my instagram.

" Hey I'm really sorry I'm late I had to attend to things and lost track of time " he said in a rush before sitting down.

" it's fine " you could tell that I had irritation in voice. But I wonder if Chanyeol could to tell and my answers was answered when.....

" hey sorry traffic " He said before sitting down interrupting my thoughts he probably said that by the look my face.

And yes I'll admit I kind of did have a face like a slapped ass. But I decided to put a smile on my face and ask him.

" Look Chanyeol I asked you hear today to talk to about a few things but there is one particular thing that I need to understand " I asked as confusion appeared onto his face.

" umm.. okay go ahead " Chanyeol asked still confused. " can you tell me you know info on this Sandara girl " I asked while looking through the menu even though I know everything on this damm thing. " yeah sure but first let's order some coffee and I'm gonna need it " he chuckled ' how cute '

Third P.O.V:

After they ordered their drinks, sitting talking and they continued talking. Chanyeol told Baekhyun about his past relationship with Sandara person.

He told Baekhyun that It wasn't serious or a proper relationship. Really and that Chanyeol cared for her but only has a friend but she couldn't see that or accept that.

As time went they moved there conversation moved onto the living situation. They decided to leave Starbucks it was still early. So they decided so shop in the mall.

They was having a good time a couple hours went by chatting, laughing and messing around. They was having a good time until they saw someone they didn't expect.

Guess who....??

Sandara Park........ unbelievable who would have guessed it.

Chanyeol's P.O.V:

What the hell is all that I could think what on Earth was she doing here. This girl is crazy now I wish I never dated her if you can call it that.

Third P.O.V:

Sandara came closer to Chanyeol pressing her hand all over his chest. But that didn't last more than a second as Chanyeol grabbed her hand and removed it.

" Oh come on Channie I know you want me " Sandara said giggling to herself thinking she's hot.

Baekhyun's P.O.V:

Really I decided that I couldn't handle it anymore. I mean doesn't she get he doesn't want he never has. With that in mind I decided to say something.

" Look I don't know who you think you are but he's with me and that's not gonna change for a five minute whore " i said shock visible on both her and Chanyeol.

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