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Third Person's P.O.V:

4 years later;

The birds were chirping outside, the sun was radiating inside the cream coloured walls.

Baekhyun was the first one to wake up

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Baekhyun was the first one to wake up. When he heard the sobbing wails coming from his sons room. He shot up from the bed and immediately went to his room.

Immediately picking up his one year old into his arms

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Immediately picking up his one year old into his arms. Baekhyun feed him and changed him. The baby yawned in his arms, Baekhyun chuckled before singing him a song. He carefully put him back into his crib. Before slowly closing the door shut and going back to his and Chanyeol's shared bedroom.

And climbing back into bed it was still early. It's was 8:07am when he went back to bed. They didn't really have to get up till later on. When he climbed into bed Chanyeol woke up. " hey did haneul wake up " he said while he rubbed his eyes. " yeah but I put him back since we're not going be seeing our parents till later ". They cuddled back into each other falling back asleep.

      ————— Time Skip —————

Baekhyun put the baby in the car, strapping him up safely. They were heading to his parents house. Because everyone was going to be the for a family gathering. Everyone in the family was going to be there.

Including Kyungsoo and jongin because they were apart of the family. Baekhyun was excited to see little Aera she has grown up so much in the last four years. She just turned four a few days ago and Kyungsoo threw a huge party for her.

————— Time Skip —————

Chanyeol parked the car outside of Baekhyun's parents. Grabbing haneul out of the car, Baekhyun puts him in his pram. As Chanyeol grabs a bag full of essentials for haneul. Once they had everything that they needed from the car. Baekhyun head to the front door with baby in his pram. As Chanyeol made sure to lock the car before catching up to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun's parents meet them at the door excited to see there grandson. Of course sometimes when Chanyeol and Baekhyun need a break for a day. Or a few hours he stays at Baekhyun's parents. Or at Chanyeol's parents house speaking of which were supposed to be here by now.

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