Chapter 8👶🏻🤭

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————— A week later —————

Third person P.O.V:

It's been a week and Chanyeol and Baekhyun having been going out on dates. And Kyungsoo and Kai have been starting to see each other. Everything was going good but the question is would it last long. it was finally the day before Baekhyun's older brother baekboem came home. And Baekhyun was helping his mum with the preparations for his parents before they had to get him from the airport.

Baekhyun's P.O.V:

" hey mum I'm here what do you need me to do" I said my voice uneasy while entering my parents house. Slight worry come across my face. " hi Baek could you please help me put all these decorations up " she said as she picked up the welcome banner. " oh mum let me do that you might hurt yourself " I said walking over taking it from her hand. " aww my little baekkie so cute " she said while pinching my cheeks. I just whined in return " ahh I didn't pinch you that hard now come on I'll help you so you can leave" she said help me with the banner.

————— 2 hours later —————

" uhh yay all done mum " I said delighted to get it done. Lifting my hand up for a high five. Getting the point she gives me a high five. " alright son you can go home since we are going to pick up baekbeom in about 1 hour so I have to get ready okay " she said checking her watch. We said our goodbyes and hugged before I left. I sat in my car deciding what to do ' maybe I should go have some lunch yeah that's what I'll do' I though but that was interrupted when my phone started ringing.

I wanted to leave it but curiosity got to me.

Kyuniee is calling...

I picked up maybe he wanted to go out with lunch or order in.
" Hey Soo what's up" I said happily but I didn't get that from him in return.
"Uhh hi baek is it possible for you to come over I really need your opinion" sadness visible in his voice. Before I could reply the phone cut off.

I let a little sigh before driving off to kyungsoo's house. A couple of minutes later I arrived worried and concerned for my best friend. I entered the house with my own key. When I entered all I could hear was sobs coming from upstairs.

Me being worried I ran upstairs to find Soo huddled on floor at the edge of his bed head in his knees. " OMG Soo what happened are you okay" I said running over to him hugging his side.

Waiting for his response but nothing no response at all. " Soo tell me what's going I'm worried" I said worried tone shown and visible." it's about Jo-ojin-"he said nothing else came out of his mouth after he said Jongin's name. " Soo what happened" I said hugging him tight "I'm S-oo sorr-yyy" he cried even deeper louder if possible.

" look Soo you have no reason to be sorry whatever it is I'll help you I promise" I said trying so hard not to cry. " Baek I-i-I'm pregnant" he turning to face me hugging me tight. ' omg at least it weren't in my bed but wow' I though I was amazed. "I'm happy for you Soo you'll make a good parent have you told Kai " I said removing him from me to finally see his face. All puffy and red it looks like he's been crying for hours.

(A/N just to let you know it takes 2-3 weeks for someone to actually know if there pregnant but you can tell in few days if your sensitive that's what I read)

There was a pause before I heard anything come from his shaky voice. " no I haven't told him I-I'm afraid that he won't want to be with me and will make me choice" he said before standing up. I stood as well. " Soo your are being ridiculous now how about I stay order us some pizza and watch movies and then tomorrow we can go to the doctors to confirm before you tell okay" I said with open arms. Before receiving a nod and a hug. With a muttered ' thank you Baek ' in return.

So that's what we did we rewatched All the Kung Fu Pandas with boxes of pizza before we both headed up to bed. Soon landing into a blissful dream. But sadly we were awoken by a alarm clock. I woke up rubbed my eyes to Soo sleeping soundly. It was nice to see him not crying from the current events going on in his life. But he soon awoken too with worry, sadness and fear in his eyes.

—————— Time Skip ——————

Once we woke up both took turns to shower. Got dressed and made our way to the hospital to get a test by a professional. The test came back positive he was happy and sad because he was having a baby but he was afraid of Kai would think.

But I started driving us back to mine because at the minute I didn't want him alone. " Baek I'm not four I don't need you to babysit me. I'm not going to do anything I swear" he said looking at me sadness drowning in his eyes. " I know I know but your vulnerable at the minute and I don't want you by yourself " I said my voice becoming softer as each word came out.

A couple of minutes went by when I heard my phone ringing.

My Channie is Calling......

"Uhh why is he calling" I said picking up my phone. " Baek it's fine pick up the phone" Kyungsoo said picking up his own phone. So I did.
" hey Chanyeol what is it " I said in a calm tone.
" oh I just wanted to know when your brother is coming back" curiosity hidden in his voice.
" oh he came back yesterday but the dinner is tomorrow" I said happiness visible to be heard. " uh huh i guess I'll see you tomorrow" he said before we said our goodbyes and hung up.

I sigh had escaped my lips and that's when I heard " what's up " he said with caring look shown. " oh it's nothing just about my dinner with my family that's all " I said huffing. " let's get to bed you must be tired after a long day huh " I said as I was rubbing his back. After getting in a nod in return we headed upstairs and got into to bed.

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