Chapter 9❤️💔

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(A/N if you find it so far boring I'm sorry but I'm still trying to figure out what's going to happen with the story so please bare with me)

Kyungsoo's P.O.V:

I woke up with a pounding headache. 'Ah maybe because you idiot cried until you feel asleep dummy' I mentally rolled my eyes. I slowly got up and tried not to wake Baekhyun up since he doesn't have to wake up early since his dinner wasn't until later today.

I decided that I should go speak to Kai on my own even though Baekhyun did ask. I thought it would be better to go on my own even if I would like some support. But it's for the best I'll wait for Baekhyun to wake up before I tell him.

——— A Couple Of Hours Later ———

Third P.O.V:

It was 9 o'clock when Baekhyun arose from his sleep. Stretching his arms wide to see a fragile kyungsoo next to him wide awake. " hey Soo how long have you been awake" Baekhyun said while yawning. " oh since 6 o'clock " Soo said sounding rather exhausted. " why don't me and you just go back to bed I mean Soo you need to your sleep" said Baekhyun sounding quite worried about his best friend.

Kyungsoo's P.O.V:

" Baek I know your worried but I'm okay and I'm going to see Jongin today " I said nerves pulsing inside beating at 100 mph. " okay and do you want to come along or are you going to go on your own" he said with concern in his eyes. " well I'm going out to run some errands and I'll be back in a couple of hours" he said starting to walk off but stopped. "Oh and if I'm not in then you have a key right Ok then I'm going bye" he said before leaving.

I decided to text Kai to ask him to meet me. So that we can talk about us, the baby and what we or I'm gonna do.

 ————— At Seoul Forest —————

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————— At Seoul Forest —————

Once I arrived I decided to sit on the nearest bench. The sun was shining brightly the feel of it makes me forget everything. The was until I heard a familiar voice the brought me out of my somewhat calm state into a nervous one.

Third person P.O.V:

" hey Soo I am so happy to see you " Kai said showing a wide smile. Before kyungsoo could give an answer Kai pulled him into a hug. Giggling in the process to try to forget everything going on in his life.

" jongin I need to tell you something ". Pulling away from the hug Kai looking at kyungsoo questionably. He has never called Kai Jongin unless taking about something serious.

" what is it " kai asked cheerfully trying to lighten up the mood. " I really don't know how on Earth I'm supposed to tell you " kyungsoo said shakily as he started playing with his fingers. A few minutes passed and silence and Kai was starting to get annoyed. " just tell me Soo " Kai said frustrated.

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