Chapter 14 🤬👹☠️

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Third Person P.O.V:

" what do we do now " Baekhyun said as he played with his phone. " I don't know Baekhyun I'm confused as it is" Kyungsoo getting frustrated at the whole situation. They didn't know what they could do. Normally you would and should call the police but they felt like they couldn't.

And Kyungsoo and Baekhyun can't tell anyone about this. Even though it's going to be really hard to keep. They will have to for everyone safety and that's what matters. " ahh I have an idea " said Baekhyun grabbing onto Kyungsoo.

" What is it " Kyungsoo said getting out of Baekhyun's grip, falling onto the bed. " how about we full on spy mode and investigate ourself  ". Kyungsoo lifted his body back up and and smug grin came across his face. " you what for the first time in your life that's the best thing you have came up with " Soo said as he got up and was followed by a confused puppy.

" what do you mean I've came up with plenty " Baekhyun said as they walked out of the house. " wait where are we going " he said as Kyungsoo locking his door and opening the car. " just get in the car I'll explain on our way there " Soo said getting in the car as then Baekhyun followed.

As they were driving Kyungsoo noticed a black SUV following them. He didn't want to tell Baekhyun because he knew he would throw a fit. So he decided to keep to himself until Baekhyun figured it out well if he did. So he kept driving as nothing was wrong but every now and then looking back. After about five minutes of driving the car still following behind them. Baekhyun in this time did notice the car.

But he didn't want to freak out but all of a sudden. CRASH the black SUV had gone into the incoming lane. And swerved into their car causing them to nearly lose control. But luckily Kyungsoo kept track of the road and this carried on for 30 minutes. The car was wrecked to say the least but it was still drive able. The last thirty minutes consisted on the other car continuously crashing into kyungsoo's car.

He decided to try and get rid of them and it worked. Ten minutes of driving about randomly had paid off. Soo just decided to drive home and to hide the car until he could get it fixed. He turned and saw Baekhyun shaking repeatedly.

Once they arrived back at home they hided the car in the garage. And then made their way into the locking the door behind them. Then making there way into the living room. But they heard a knock at the door both stopping in their tracks.

"Who is it" Baekhyun whispered into kyungsoo's ear. "I don't know go and sit down and I'll be back" Baekhyun nodded his head while going to sit down as Kyungsoo makes his way to the door. Before opening it to see a mailman "here is your package sir please sign here" he was shocked he didn't order anything. "But I didn't order anything can you take it back" he said confused "no sorry sir I can't here don't worry about signing it" he said as Kyungsoo took the package it was quiet small so he wondered what it was.

"Who was it Soo" Baekhyun called from the living room. "I'm not sure but I didn't order anything" he said as he received a worried look in return. Kyungsoo sat down next to Baekhyun and put the package in front of them. On the coffee table and got up to grab a pair of scissors from the kitchen. Once he returned he gave Baekhyun a 'are you ready' look. Once Baekhyun nodded Kyungsoo ripped the package open. He looked inside but when Baekhyun tried to look he covered it. "Come on what's in there" Baekhyun said trying to move his bestfriends hands. But Kyungsoo wouldn't budge he was sure if he showed it Baekhyun would faint.

"I can't you won't like it" Soo said hands still covering what was inside. "Well at least tell me then if I can't see please" Kyungsoo signed in defeat but before he moved his hands. "Don't blame me when you faint you wanted to look" kyungsoo said removing his hands. As Baekhyun looked he moved back again nearly throwing up. "See I told you" Soo said crossing his arms while looking at his friend.

"Eww what is that" Kyungsoo shrugged his shoulders. He himself was a creeped out, didn't know what is was. He closed what package no of them were touching what's in there. There was no chance in hell that they were going to take it out. So they both just chose to ignore it and try to pretend that it was nothing.

(A/N Just a little warning I'm going to tell you what was in the package so if you are really sensitive skip the next chapter but if not be perpared)

The box was filled with blood, and animals body parts. There was an ear in there a guts from an animal. They couldn't process what kind of animal from the shock not that they cared much.

They decided to hide the box till they knew what to do with it. The obvious answer is to give it into the police. But they a very good suspicion that it was the people who broke into his house. Kyungsoo was sure it was them and they just sent it as a threat.

        ————— time Skip —————

It has been a couple of hours since they opened the package. It was still left on the table they were both in the kitchen. Baekhyun decided to stay because they were both worried. That they would both be in danger if they went separate ways. Kai and Chanyeol hadn't called or texted them all day. Which was a bit worrying and especially with everything going on.

With Kyungsoo being near enough five months pregnant. Baekhyun wanted to keep an eye on his friend. It was around 9:48am and they both decided to go grocery shopping. Since there was no food in the house and luckily Baekhyun was going to drive.

Since kyungsoo's car was still in the garage. He wasn't able to fix it's well unrepairable. So he was currently looking for one and he took a lot of time of from work. As They reached Baekhyun's car they heard a beep from in front of them. They couldn't believe what or who had just pulled up in front of them. Before they could even get into the car the others got out. And stood near to them right across from them.

???: well well

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo looked at each other before signing out loud. Who is in front of them, what are they going to do.

The end

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