Chapter XXVI

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A/N: I am so sorry. I accidentally published the last chapter while it was still incomplete. To those who had no idea I did this, my last chapter has been updated and is now complete. Please read that one before you read this. Anyways, I hope you enjoy. c: Terri's wedding dress is also at the side.  THANKS YOU! <3 

Jack's Point of View 

"Well, somebody's nervous." My sister, May, chuckled as I fixed my bowtie. I laughed, trying to hide the nervousness I was feeling, but she was my sister. She could tell what I'm feeling even when I'm not saying anything. I glanced at the church door, taking a huge breath. "Hi, sis." I tried to sound as upbeat as I can, and of course, I failed horribly at it. "Just not sure if Terri still wanted to get married with me, or something."

"She'll be here any moment, Jack. I'm sure she will." May tried to reassure me, though it didn't help one bit. "But Alex said she was starting to have second thoughts. What if - What if she just didn't come? What would I do?" Panic was starting to creep onto my throat, choking me and filling me with dread. I wish Alex didn't have to tell me about how Terri almost ran away, if he hadn't been there. All of this was suddenly turning into a lie, scaring me to regret.

"Jack." my sister's voice snapped me awake, chasing my thoughts away for a few seconds. "Terri loves you, okay? I may not know her well, but just think about it. She thought about running away because she didn't want to hurt you when she's gone. But she also said yes because she'd rather spend her life with you as her husband until the day she dies. And honestly, I've never seen a girl so brave to stand up in what she believes in for the man she loves. She's willing to sacrifice everything to be with you. Think about it, Jack. Think about why she's doing this, and who she's doing this for." 

I felt like cold water had started to fill me, making it harder for me to breathe, and yet I stare at my sister with my throat as dry as sand. I knew that what was holding me back from talking were the tears that were threatening themselves to fall from my eyes. She held her hand out to touch my arm, her eyes were full of understanding. "Have faith, Jack." she said. And just like that; Alex's new girlfriend, Lisa, ran towards the church entrance, announcing that the bride has finally arrived. 

May gave me a look that clearly said, 'I told you so', and I kissed her on the cheek and reminded her how lucky I was to have her. As she left and the music started to play, I stood in front of the altar with my best man, Alex, on my side; both of us pulling each other the silliest grin we've ever pulled.

And I can't believe that at age 18, I was going to have the best day of my life. 

The first one to enter was Rian and his girlfriend, Cassadee, their hands entwined with each other until they took their seats at the very front.  Zack and Lisa came next, followed by Danny Kurily (our friend, which we met on the recording studio we always go to) and Therese, and so on. I smiled at my parents as they walked down the aisle, who in return, beamed at me proudly. Our ringbearer, Joe (Yep. Hello, little brother.) marched on the isle proudly with the cushion of ring on the palm of his hands. Therese's younger sister Tiana walked beside him, carrying a bouquet of little Carnations. 

What I saw next made my heart stop. 

Terri walked in on the Church doors, her arm laced around her father's. The ambience immediately died down as everybody watched her, their eyes filled with awe and amazement. Alex started snickering beside me. "Close your mouth, man." he murmured. "You're drooling." 

I gave Alex the finger, not even bothering to take my eyes off of Terri. Golden roses adorned her sleeveless dress, neatly lined on the hem that was cut neatly just above her chest. They continued to run over her right arm, forming a half circle that ends on her back. More roses formed an inverted v on her waist where the dress had elegantly split to reveal another set of dress which looked like opaque curtains. She was holding a bouquet of Carnations with a pint of gold on the tip, and a very thin and transparent, golden veil was placed carefully on her head. 

This was the woman I was going to marry. 

Time stood still as she walked down the aisle, and I could tell that she was crying and laughing at the same time. A smile formed my lips as we locked eyes, which were both full of longing. Finally, she walked up to the stairs in front of me, joining me at the altar. The music died and the people started to sit, except for the both of us and the priest. 

"My dear friends,"  . The priest started to say, although his voice was barely reaching my mind. Terri and I locked eyes, our gazes intense. The only thing that gave us away was our smiles, which were somewhat identical to each other. "You have come together in this church so that the Lord may seal and strengthen your love in the presence of the Church’s minister and this community. He has already consecrated you in baptism and now he enriches and strengthens you by a special sacrament so that you may assume the duties of marriage in mutual and lasting fidelity."

Finally, the priest called our names, and both Terri and l gazed at him in unison. "Jack Barakat and Terri Amess. Do you solemnly swear that you are willing to give yourselves to each other in marriage, without any  reservation?" 
"I do." I answered.
"I do." she replied, her face determined. 
"Do you honor and love each other, in sickness and in health, for the rest of your lives?" 
"I do." I answered, waiting for Terri to respond. Silence ensued for a few seconds, and I turned just in time as a tear fell from her cheek. The sight of her made my throat grow a lump, and I looked at the sky to stop myself from doing the same thing she did.
"I do." She finally said, a sob escaping her lips. "In sickness and in health, funtil the end of my life." 

The priest looked up from the Bible to smile at her sadly, aware that she was going to die soon. "Since it is your intention to enter into marriage, join your right hands, and declare your consent before God and his Church." 

The warmth of Terri's hands overwhelmed mine as she stepped towards me to hold it. With our gaze now back to each other and burning more fierce than ever, I declered, with my voice full of love, "I, Terri Amess, take you, Jack Barakat, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part." 

I could feel myself tearing up as she looked me in the eyes with so much determination. People chuckled while I desperately tried to wipe my tears. Alex wolf whistled. I cleared my throat, smiling at her, smiling at my everything, with the same determination on my face. "I, Jack Barakat, take you, Terri Amess, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

The priest had then presented the rings, which we were supposed to wear on each other's finger. I held out her hand with the ring on my finger, an incredulous grin pasted on my face. Finally, I can be with her. "This is it," I breathed out, unable to contain my excitement in front of the woman I love. "We're going to be together." 
"Yeah," Terri smiled, although I could tell that she was having a hard time doing so. "Together."
"Are you alright?" I immediately asked, concern chalking up to my features. 
"Yeah." she said, gasping a bit. Her lips were starting to dry out and she looks paler than before, but she tried hard to hide it. "Yeah, I'm fine." 

Finally, the priest stood before us to give us his final blessing. "Jack Barakat and Terri Amess, I now pronounce you as husband and wife." he declared, and I could hear everyone screaming, wolf-whistling, or simply cheering from their seats. "You may now kiss the bride." 

Terri's Point of View

Finally... Finally, we're married. 

I should be happy. I should be leaping towards his arms and kissing him like there's no tomorrow. 
But I can't. 

I could feel myself breathing in ragged, broken patterns through my mouth, the nausea in my head too much. I could see Jack's worried expression as he hurried towards me, clutching my arm. "Terri?" he cocked his head to the side with his eyebrows frowning in concern. And I wanted this moment. I've waited for it. I just wanted his lips on mine, and for time to stop slowly, and for my heartbeat to skip. 

But I can't. 

As he tried to tighten his grip, I fell out of balance, and all of a sudden, everything was black. 

Jack Barakat x Terri Amess : My Only One. [Requested]Where stories live. Discover now