Chapter XV

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A/N: Hey guys! I can't believe my fic, "Lullabies" and "You're Only Happy When I'm Wasted" got a hell lot of votes. In just one day! Thank you so much. I love you guys so much <3 <3 <3 Anyone brave enough to promote this fic will earn a dedication on the following chapters. :) 

Jack's Point of View

"You're the queen of my world." I mumbled, my eyes on the floor. "And you, my love, are the king of my stars." Terri replied, her teeth clenched. From my peripheral view, I can also see how she's forcing herself to look at me, though she was barely successful.

"Okay, cut!" We could hear Chelsie yell, followed by an exaspherated sigh. Guilt immediately filled in and I bit my lip to stop myself from sighing as well. I know I don't like being in this play, I hate it, but I know it's not the reason why I'm doing such a bad job in acting. I'm not that bad of an actor, I've been pretending and trying to make my parents and everyone else happy for years, I even changed for them. I don't know why I'm acting like this just because Terri is in front of me. 

"First thing's first. I love you and I know how good  you are in acting so I won't kick you out." Chelsie said, pointing at Terri. Terri let out a humorless laugh, she was obviously showing how she didn't want to be at this play at all, but Chelsie didn't seem to notice. "Meanwhile, you're in probation. You NEED this. So I can't really kick you out." Chelsie then said while pointing at me. Even though this sounds a bit mean, I forced a smile. "But you guys have to sort this shit out. I know that's not how you guys act, so tell me what's wrong." she demanded, her hands on her hips. 

Nothing, Chelsie. It's just, you know. Terri hates my guts so much she'd rather jump off the building than do this play with me. 

"Nothing." Terri covered for me, much to my surprise. "I'm just feeling a bit exhausted from all that schoolwork.". Chelsie stared at her for a while, her eyes ricocheting back and forth towards the two of us. Another sigh escaped from her mouth. "Alright, you guys. Let's end practice for now." she announced, and I felt like jumping up and down the fucking floor in relief, until she turned around and pointed at the two of us. "Next practice starts in next week. You guys, however, are required to practice your lines together every single day." 

Biggest death sentence of the century. 

I could see Terri's eyes widen as she looked at Chelsie like she's insane. I would too, but too much shock and drama's going on to this day that I couldn't give another fuck. Besides, It's Terri that hates me and not the other way around. 

You were just waiting for this moment, weren't you? A voice in my head said. I turned around from Terri so that I could laugh at myself sarcastically. What a joke.

I could hear Chelsie as she dismissed everyone. I could hear the scrambling of feet as people were eager to leave the place. I could hear small talks and chatters and groans on how tired they were. But I couldn't hear Terri. I turned around to see that she stood frozen on the spot, her eyes meeting mine. We stood like that for what seemed like hours, not a single part of our system moving.  Her face were a mixture of emotions: confused, angry, and sad. 

I wanted to reach out to her. I wanted to hold her hand, maybe cup her cheeks and tell her how sorry I was. 

Terri's Point of View

 This wasn't happening. 

Jack turned around and met my eyes, the two of us not moving an inch. His eyes looked like he wanted to say something, though I'm not sure if I want to find out what that something was. I wanted to turn away from him, to let him know that I was so done with him today, but a voice inside me was telling me that I'm lying, that I'm not done, and that this is the time to tell the truth, but I don't know what to say. With much effort, I managed to turn myself around and head for my things.

Jack Barakat x Terri Amess : My Only One. [Requested]Where stories live. Discover now