Chapter XXIII

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Jack's Point of View

The white walls all seemed familiar to me. I'm back here again, for the same person, for a different reason. But the tears that were begging to come out seemed to hurt all the same. It was my fault, I kept telling myself. I could've checked up on her every once in a while. I could've been there to take her to the hospital. I could've been there to make sure that she took care of herself. I could've been there to prevent this.

I could've been there. 

But instead, I wasn't. I turned into a pussy and started avoiding her just so I wouldn't get hurt. It was all for the best, I kept telling myself back then. It would hurt both of us at first, but she would probably forget me and I could probably deal with the pain less than I do now. It would benefit us both, so it was all for the best. right?

It wasn't. And I've never felt so wrong in my life. 

Wiping my tears away, I was starting to get close to the Intensive Care Unit when the door of her room opened and her dad went out, blocking my path. 

"What do you think you're doing?" He said, his tone strict and full of hate.

"Please, I need to see her." I gasped out 

His lips pressed into a hard line, obviously letting me know how he's not letting me pass.

"I don't believe you." He finally said, closing the door after him. "You've already tried to kill my daughter once, I'm not letting you do it again." My tears suddenly fell down on their own, out of desperation and disappointment. I made up for it, didn't I? Was that not enough? Regret filling my heart, I balled my hands into fist, regret seeping into me quicker than I could ever imagine. I nodded. "I know I did hurt her, but please believe me when I say that I'm sorry, and I'm trying my best to make it up to her. And I really," I breathed out, trying to keep my shaking voice collected even with the tears that wouldn't seem to stop falling. "Really, love her." 

His hand flew into my face, balled, and I could feel all his hate towards me in that one single blow that knocked me to the ground. With my cheeks burning, I looked up at him, all six inches and three, and watched his trembling figure as he glowered at me. "Don't you dare fucking lie to me." he warned me, his voice hissing with venom. "You don't know how it hurts to see my only fucking daughter dying. So, don't you ever," I could see his eyes starting to turn red as tears started to occupy them. "Ever, fucking lie to me." 

 "He's not."

A voice, all too familiar and nostalgic said from behind Terri's father. We both looked as Alex emerged from her room, closing the door behind him. "Alex?" Mr. Amess stammered in disbelief. "What's the meaning of this?" "If it's alright, I'll explain everything later... But can we..." Alex cleared his throat, and I could by the look in his face that he had been crying for a really long time. "Can I talk for you for a minute, sir?" 

Terri's father looked confused and hesitant as he shot me one final glare. "Fine." he grumbled, letting Alex pull him away from me. I don't really care what they have to say, I don't have the time, I - I just really want to see Terri right now. As I watched them from a distance, I could see Mr. Amess sneak glances at me, his expression was now confused.

After a good couple of minutes, I could see Alex nodding, tears were forming in his eyes as they started to head back to where I am. I could hear Mr. Amess clear his throat as he looked at me, all the hate in his eyes from before had disappeared. "It turns out I was wrong, Jack. I'm sorry." he finally said after a few seconds. "Alex had told me how you've made an effort to make my daughter happy, and even though you had hurt her in the past, your efforts are good enough to replace those painful memories, and I forgive you." 

I wanted to feel relieved, happy even, and I wanted to thank Mr. Amess with all my heart, but all that ever came out of my mouth was, "May I see Terri now?" "Yes." Mr. Amess said, pulling on a tight smile, and I could see all the sadness that he was trying to hide just by hearing his daughter's name appear in his eyes. "Yes, you may." 


I closed the door carefully, as if I was afraid to wake Terri up. She was lying down on the bed with a peaceful look on her face, like she had been sleeping, like she wasn't going to die anytime soon. Just the thought of that was starting to make my eyes sting. I made my way towards her, sitting on the chair beside the bed. "Hey, love." I whispered to her, hoping she would hear me. "I miss you so much." 

And the feeling did come back, the feeling of missing someone so much that it hurts, and my eyes couldn't bear to conceal so much tears any longer. Taking her hand with mine, and burying my head on them, I cried. I cried and said everything that I feel for her, everything that I felt about her having to leave me. And I cried and held her still even when I could hear the door opening. "Hey, Jackass." I could hear that familiar greeting from the person that was now behind me, patting me in the back. "Hey, Lexy." I greeted back, just like I did when both of us were still bestfriends.

Maybe we always were. 

Placing another chair beside me, Alex sat down and the both of us stared at Terri, watching her slow breathing. 

"Hey Jack?" I could hear Alex say, trying to make his voice as nonchalant as possible.

"Yeah?" I muttered. 

"You don't hate me, do you?" 

I hesitated for awhile, a small smile appearing itself on my face.

"No, Alex. No, I don't." 

Silence filled the room as Alex buried his head into his hands, not saying anything for a really long time. I just focused my eyes on Terri, her pretty, petite figure laying on the bed. 

"I'm so sorry." I heard him sob, making me look at him in surprise. "I'm so fucked up. I - I could've been there for her, but I didn't, I made things worse, I - I'm such an asshole, Jack." I looked at my bestfriend, the one that now looked like a hot mess on the chair, his cries were only getting worse by the minute. "Hey, it's not your fault." I tried to comfort him, reaching my hand out just to have it slapped back. "You don't get it!" Alex wailed, getting up and suddenly pulling me close to him by the collar. "You don't fucking get it, man!" 

"Get what?" I gasped, trying to stop his grip from suffocating me. 

"You don't get what I'm feeling, Jack! You had it fucking easy! You don't get how jealous I was because I was so fucking in love with her!" 

Jack Barakat x Terri Amess : My Only One. [Requested]Where stories live. Discover now