Chapter VII

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A/N: I have been waiting for ages and AGES to post this update. Our wifi broke and there’s barely any net available. College life is just so hard, midterms are already in and it’s just almost July. I’m really wondering how I’m still breathing through this shit. And I totally forgot to copy Terri’s picture in this computer so I SWEAR next time you’ll be seeing a picture of her. Enjoy!

“Jack, get in.”

For what may have been the tenth time that night at Alex’s house, I sighed. Jack’s arm was around Alex’s arm. Both of them were too drunk to even secure each other. “No,” he slurred, trying to take a step away, but failing miserably. He fumbles over Alex, almost making them fall off-balance. I quickly gripped an arm around Alex to secure them, Alex giving me a grin like we just met. “Hey, Terr.”.

“Hey,” I greet him back dryly, before turning my attention back to Jack. “Now, get in the car.”. “Alex, don’t make me get in that car with that bitch.” He groaned, the word ‘bitch’ hitting me like a blow, making me wince. How dare he call me a bitch. Him, of all fucking people. He was the one who messed everything up for me. He was the one who left me alone when I needed someone. He and his stupid, goddamn ass of a girlfriend ruined my chances of a better beginning, my chances of forgetting all the bad memories. 

Words will never express how much hate I have for them.

“Fine, Jack.” I breathe out, raising my arms up in surrender. “Fine. I go all the fucking way here for you ‘cause you’re apparently, too fucking drunk to even take a single step, and this is how you treat me? Fine. Do what you want. I’m done with giving a shit about you. Have a nice life.” And with one last glance at him, I let my arms fall back, tears were starting to burn my eyes as I turned and headed back to my car.

“Terri, Wait!” I heard Alex shout, the slur in his voice seemed to have disappeared. I turn just in time to see him push Jack off of him - making him fall face flat on the floor – and stumbled his way towards me. “What do you want, Alex?” I asked, my voice unintentionally cold. He sighs, removing his hand to scratch them at the back of his head. “I – I’m sorry. You know, about what Jack told you. I don’t know why he’s acting like that, he… he never acts like that, especially to a girl he barely even knows.” He tries to explain to me, but I roll my eyes to cut him off. “Why are you even apologizing to me for him? What, can’t he do that himself?” I shout, making him flinch in surprise. “Stop yelling at me, Terri!” he shouts back, making me gasp. “I know he’s an ass, but he’s my bestfriend, so I’m fucking doing this for him, okay? Besides, I don’t even fucking know why you’re acting like that! I thought you’re better than that. Why are you letting Jack’s words get into you when you don’t even know him!?”

My mouth falls open in surprise, finding the words to say something – anything – but I realize there’s nothing more to say, except that he was right. “I’m sorry, Alex.” I mumble, the tears that were stinging my ears starts to fall on my cheeks. Alex hushed me, his hands clumsily making its way to my face to dry my eyes. “It’s okay, Terri. I’m sorry, too. Please don’t cry.”

I give a sob, forcing a smile as I removed his hands gently. He wraps his arms around me, and both of us made our way to Jack, who was apparently wasted and unconscious on the ground. A sigh escapes my lips as Alex looks at me, making me decide what I wanted to do with Jack. “I’ll take him home.” I said, making him smile. He walks towards Jack, hoisting him up and handing the other arm for me to wrap around my shoulders, and we both limp to my car where we place him on the passenger’s seat. “Thanks, Terri.” Alex says as some sort of goodbye, kissing me in the forehead before going back to where his party was. I force another smile and sigh, heading for the driver’s seat and turning the ignition on.


   “Tidal waves they rip right through me. Tears from my heart, cold and sad.”

I sang along to Blink-182, trying to focus on nothing but the road straight ahead. “Turn that thing down.” I could hear Jack mutter from beside me but I ignore him, ignored his irritated pleas for silence, until he finally decided to sit straight and turn the volume down. A sarcastic smirk ran across my face as I reached forward to turn it back up again. “God, damn it. I said turn that fucking down!” Jack groaned, glaring at me. I shrugged it off, the smirk never really leaving my face. “I would do that if this is your car, Jack.” I replied, trying to make my voice as innocent as possible. “But, unlike you, I’m sober enough to know that it’s not.”

“Alex wouldn’t let you do that to me.” He snapped back.

“Yeah? Well, where’s Alex?”

“Don’t be stupid. That’s his party. He can’t ditch that.” He laughed, making me feel like a nine-year-old.

“Oh, alright then.” I shrug again, my smirk gone as I focus back on the road. “Then, why don’t you just ask your girlfriend to go take you home?”

I take a peek at the corners of my eyes, trying to see why he didn’t say anything, not even a single retort, to my question. I bite back a gasp, forgetting to be discreet as I turned towards him, his eyes were full of tears. Second thoughts immediately begin to seep into my mind, not knowing if it was a good idea to ask what was wrong. Finally, with a sigh, I reach out to touch his arm. “Want to talk about it?”

Jack shakes his head, he swallows what seemed to be a lump on my throat as he gave me a small, tight smile. “Just take me home.”. Despite the reluctance, I decided it would be best not to argue with him, stepping on the pedal, the music droning as if it wasn’t really there anymore.

Pick me up now, I need you so bad. Down, down, down, down…”


“For hopefully the last time: No, Jack. I am not coming in with you.”

An exasperated sigh escapes my lips as Jack tugs on my sleeve. “What, you’re just gonna let a drunk and wasted person alone in his own home?” he asked, trying to look as innocent as he could (Which, of course, due to his drunken state, failed miserably.) . “No, but there are people called parents that are actually there to help you when you’re drunk and wasted at your own home.” I snap back, finally managing to push his arm free.

“My parents are in Idaho for a business trip!”

“Oh. Well, you shouldn’t have gone to Alex’s and drink; now, should you?” an irritated smile played across my lips. “Goodnight, Jack.”. I say as a final goodbye, turning around.

“Don’t go.”

I don’t know what made me stop. It could either be how serious the turn of events had suddenly gotten to, how intoxicated Jack was, or maybe how desperate he sounded to me. Like he needed someone, anyone, to accompany him – even if it means being with me. But I stop, too afraid to turn around, waiting for him to say something, anything, that might hopefully change my mind about leaving his house.

“Please,” I could hear the tears in Jack’s voice as he stood very clumsily along his doorstep, looking at me, pleading. “Please don’t go. I need someone to talk to. Just, please…” a sob escapes his lips, much to my surprise. “I can’t do this on my own.”

Jack Barakat x Terri Amess : My Only One. [Requested]Where stories live. Discover now