#32 We're 'up' to some so called fun?

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#32 We're 'up' to some so called fun?


      Everyone has their own idea of fun. For some it's partying, going out with friends, eating together. Others it's staying alone indoors, reading a good book, or playing virtual games, for others it's even sports.

For myself, I'm not sure. As you may have already noticed, I'm not a very social human, I prefer to be on my own, because that's when I do my best.

Although if you were to ask me what I have 'fun', doing most, I'm not sure what I would reply with. I enjoy learning new and interesting topics, I enjoy reading, and also simply talking about subjects, and putting my two cents in.

I know. You probably think I'm not a very fun person.

"Eli. Where are we going?" I ask. Following not too far behind the doggie himself, hands dug deep into his gray jacket. Turning his head slightly some of his curls fall over his dark chocolate eyes, he smirks, before walking once more.

I sigh, clutching my coat closer to me, it's around four pm, but it's already getting chilly. "Jeez, you're so enigmatical." At this he turns, lifting her brows confusedly.

"It means difficult to understand." I sigh, picking up the pace to walk alongside him.

He laughs, smiling a bit. "So, I'm mysterious?" At the last part, he looks my way, shooting me an awkward wink.

"Oh yes mystery man! You're also good at being incomprehensible," I exclaim, mumbling the last word.

He rolls his eyes amusedly, before grabbing the sleeve of my coat gently. "All the mysteries will be uncovered soon pigtails, just follow me."

I do. I allow him to direct me through a narrow alleyway, probably fifteen minutes away from the cafe, at walking speed. He holds tight on my sleeve, leading me to I have no clue where.

My eyes keep glancing at his hand, something in me wants to just reach out and hold it, instead of him just dragging me along the ally way.

"Well tell that something to shut up."

"You trust me, right?" He then asks, breaking through to my barrier of thoughts.

That's never. Ever. A good sign.

"What do you mean by that? Oh great! You really are gonna sell me to cannibals!" I sigh sarcastically, finally getting through the long ally way.

"Nah. They'd return you in a day due to loss of sanity. You'd probably babble on about how humans are not healthy things to eat, and how it's an abomination," He states, glancing my way amusedly.

"You trust me," Is all he states confidently.

Can he really tell?

I snort, "Really? How can you tell? I might just pull my pepper spray on you."

He laughs at my response, not saying anything else. We walk to a small building that's placed in between two abandon others, the place is vacant, with not too my people around. Some loud noises can be heard, almost like someone's cutting metal.

"This seems trust worthy."

Eli still holds a good grip on my coat sleeve, as we walk to the building. My eyes scan over the plain, broke place. It's got a few posters up and some people seem to be inside, although, we don't go inside, we walk towards the garage.

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