"And you're stupid, ignorant, a- and, a hooligan!" I yell back, with a stutter hidden in my voice. Who does he think he is? I don't need him!
"And you're aggressive, have bad communication skills and suck at expressing yourself! When are you gonna...
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#1. Homeless, shameful and pepper sprayed 'up'.
Human beings. They're interesting right? Wrong. They really aren't. They truly enjoy very few things, and need very few things to survive. Food consumption, hydration, sleep, and reproduction is honestly the only things us "humans" enjoy and need.
I know lots of you will probably think I'm crazy for the inner thought I'm about to exploit, I don't think we're even capable of truly understanding feelings, or even plain out having them. It's just when you ponder it, we really exaggerate emotions, and even take certain words for granted.
For instance, we say we hate the corner of our bed; wishing it would fall into the oblivion, due to stubbing our poor toes countless times into that horrid thing; but obviously we don't mean that.
Another silly little word that is greatly overused by us human beings (at least in my opinion) is love.
It's a word used from family and friends, all the way down to a tic-tac or extra salted pretzel.
Simply, I don't believe in love, or being able to truly love someone. I can say that I love a certain character inside a book, but then I completely hate him in the next chapter. You see; from what I've heard, read, watched and learned; love is something that comes and goes. It never sticks around forever. We might think we love something or someone at a moment, but that will fade over time.
People who recite vows at their wedding will most likely get a divorce due to cheating, getting tired of their spouse, or for the just the plain fact, that they don't "love" each other anymore.
As you can blatantly perceive, I could go on and on about all kinds of informative ways how love isn't a "for real thing", but then I'd be wasting all my time that could be spent on the more important things in life like: reading, unearthing scientific breakthroughs that'll ensure our planet's health, eating pizza and, of course, helping find ways to stop air pollution.
"Yeah but trust me. Nothing is more amazing then eating piz-"
Boom! My head makes very harsh contact with the window of the train I'm currently using as a means of transportation, causing me to lose my train of thought. I bring the tips of my fingers to my head, almost as if trying to see if it's intact.