#43 'Up' come the words I've been dodging.

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#43 'Up' come the words I've been dodging.


   "You've been a huge help Eli. Especially, with the holidays coming and going. You'd be surprised how many people get stuck or have their cars break down due to all the snow!" Jay laughs as he wipes down the windows of the last vehicle with a warm damp cloth, on this Christmas Eve late afternoon.

I sigh, digging my frozen hands deeper in my jacket pockets. "Yeah, it's probably all the people coming to visit for the holidays. Us New Yorkers know how to handle a good amount of snow."

"Haha, true that! Speaking of holidays, how are you and your pigtailed friend going to spend this New Years coming up?" Jay asks, glancing my way.

Didn't picture my week before New Years going like this. Or anything that's happened in the past few months, period. My life's had more twists since July then I'd ever imagined. It could be because of the fact that I had a very boring, and simple, life before I turned eighteen in July. After that, I left as far as possible from my neighborhood, my house and family. I couldn't wait to leave. It was my one, slim chance to change my life, and I took it.

"Uh, I'm not sure. As for right now she seems to be pretty focused on her studies since she's got some finals coming up," I state.

It's really freaking embarrassing how happy I am that she's gone back to being her unusually focused, driven, and passionate self. Ever since she spoke with her father, it seems like she's been really happy too, which of course makes me happier. We're both just happy.

As sappy that may sound.

"Eli! You just spilt the gasoline!" Jay exclaims, and I quickly realize that I've just tripped over the gallon.

"Ehh, crap! Sorry Jay, I'll clean it u-"

"No. It's fine. You should get home, don't want your girlfriend to be waiting- because I'm sure that's what you're smiling like a child about," Jay laughs, punching my shoulder as he picks the gallon up.

I sigh. "She's not my girlfriend Jay. I've said more times than I can count."

"Ugh. You say that, but you're both thinking otherwise!"

Does she think otherwise? Just the thought of it makes me want to laugh and smile. Could it be possible?

Again. As sappy that may sound.

"You think?" I mumble, looking up to the foggy light blue sky, as some more white flakes start dance to the ground.

"Well, you'll never know if you don't do something about it!" Jay exclaims.


Through the cold, noise filled, streets I drive. The sky is filling with giant clouds, as if it's a stage preparing for the white, icy dancers to dance down to earth; playing along to the music that is busy traffic.

I keep thinking, and thinking. Jay is right. I've got to tell her. I've got to tell her how I feel. Because if I don't, I'm only going to be getting more and more attached to her.

I love her, there's no denying it anymore. I don't just love her in the sappy, romantic way, where I want to hug her and kiss her. No, I've come to love her like rain to the earth. She gives me this sort of energy, as weird as that sounds. I'm more attentive, and passionate, I want to grow and be better at the things I do. That it be work, or simply being the human I am.

I want to learn more, see more and do more. I have this drive for things I never even noticed before. I went from running through life, to taking my time, and walking through it.

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