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Aug. 16th, 2017.

I walked outside of the Why Don't We house to the backyard. I was wearing Jack's hoodie that was oversized on me and my shorts from yesterday. It was early in the morning and everyone was asleep. I stood on one of the rocks and looked out at the city thinking about last night. I could still feel the tingles where his hands had been the previous night. The way my lips felt electric as he kissed me. The small hickeys on my neck peaking out of the hoodie i was currently wearing. I felt like a changed person. Brand new. Jack didn't only take my virginity. He changed me. Made me a better person. Showed me what love truely is. He taught me how to trust again. And I love him for that. I felt my heart leap as I continued thinking about last night.

Last night was magical. And I was glad I saved myself for Jack. He is all I could want in this world. And honestly I don't think I could love anyone else with as much love I have for him. We hadn't talked about us yet. We hadn't said if we were together or not and if we wanted to give each other a second chance. After last night I had made up my mind. I loved him and I want to be with him forever.

I smiled as I heard the sliding glass door open. I looked over to see Jack making his way over to me. He didn't have a shirt on but he had on loose hanging pajama pants, loose enought to see his
V-Line. I then looked back out at the sunrise as he reached me, wrapping his arms around my waist as he held me from behind. "Good morning Kamryn." He smiled as he placed his head on my shoulder. "You look sexy in my hoodie." He chuckled and I smiled, turning my head to kiss him. "Morning baby." I smiled as I turned around in his arms to face him properly.

"Baby?" Jack asked and I blushed. "Y-Yeah. I thought we could get back together. Unless you dont wa-" "Of course I do Kamryn." He said as he cut me off. "These last couple of weeks have been hell. I couldn't sleep knowing I had upset you." He said and I smiled. "Good. Because after a night you gave me last night, Don't expect me to ever leave you again." I smirked and he chuckled, pressing a kiss to my lips.

Aug. 17th, 2017.

Jack and I had explained to our fans about what happened and the whole situation between us since we never gave an explanation. We told them we broke up but not because why, and then told them it didn't matter now because we were back together and happier than ever. I had even filmed a video for my channel with Jack. It was where he let me put makeup on him like he said he would before we broke up. And it's like we never broke up. Like those couple of weeks didn't exist. And it was amazing. I still hadn't talked to Aspen and she hadn't tried to talk to me. And I was okay with that. I want her to apologize before anything else.

Currently I was walking around the Team 10 house wearing a Jerika hoodie and shorts, trying to hide my 3 large hickeys that Jack gave me from Jake. I tried to put makeup over them to cover them up but a little pink was still showing in some places. I knew he would over react if he found out I lost my virginity. He was a protective older brother. And I knew he would drive straight over to the Why Don't We house and start asking Jack a bunch of questions. I decided I wanted to go for a swim so I texted the boys to see what they were doing. I then put on my bathing suit under my clothes and grabbed my phone. I pulled the hoodie up closer around my neck as I walked downstairs and to the living room where Apollo (the new Team 10 dog.) was running around with Jake. I chuckled and continued to walk outside to the side of the road threw the crowd of fans to Jack's car.

Warning: Smut....///

I was outside swimming with Jack while the boys were inside. Things were getting pretty heated between Jack and I. He had started flirting with me, telling me I looked hot in my bathingsuit. I went under water for a second and came back up, wipping my face off and slicking my hair back. "Are those hickeys?" Jack chuckled as he made his way over to me. "Shit, the water must have washed my makeup off. And yeah. You gave them to me." I smirked and He grabbed my waist. "How about I give you some more." He chuckled and I laughed. "Not a good idea. Having a hard enough time trying to hide these from Jake already." I said and the next thing I knew he had me pinned against the side of the pool, kissing my lips and neck as his hands gripped my hips tightly. I released soft moans of pleasure as he sucked on my sweet spot on my neck, for sure going to give me another hickey. I tangled my hands in his wet curls and closed my eyes, taking in the blissful feeling.

Something Different //J.A.Where stories live. Discover now