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"Do you have feelings for Daniel?"

The question echoed in my head. I didn't know how to respond. Apart of me wanted to apologize, take everything back, hold him and comfort him, tell him I'm his. Apart of me didn't want to lose him. And the other part said to let go. The look in Jacks eyes scared me. I couldn't read the emotions like I usually could. His soft chestnut brown eyes were now a deep and dark black, like a storm was swirling on the inside of him. "Jack," I whispered, my voice coming out gental as I took a step back from him, only for him to take a step forwards towards me. "ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!" Jack yelled frustrated. "I DONT KNOW!" I blurted out quickly as I jumped with fear, scared by the sudden tone of his voice. Jacks eyes softened as he dropped his forehead against mine lightly, instant regret filling his features. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled." He said softly as he closed his eyes. I controlled my frantic breathing and swallowed deeply. "I'm sorry I kissed Daniel back." I whispered and Jack pulled away from me. "Tell me I'm not losing you." He said as he cupped my cheek in his hand. "I can't promise that J." I sighed. He dropped his hand as a tear slipped down his cheek. "I think we should take a break." I said and he nodded. "We've only ever loved each other, and we are so young. We should take time to experience other people and live our lives. Maybe one day we can revisit us." I explained and Jack nodded, tears falling from his eyes. "I understand." He sighed. I pulled myself off the wall. "I love you, Jack." I whispered and he smiled softly before hiding it. "I love you to Kitten. But goodbye for now." He said shooting me one last glance before I left the room, closing the door behind me.


I walked downstairs after leaving the bathroom to see the boys sitting downstairs on the couches and chairs. "Kamryn! What happened?" Jonah asked as he quickly stood up and rushed over to me. He was the first to notice me. Soon I was surrounded by the other 3 boys. "Jack and I broke up." I said, crying as he hugged me. "What happened? What did he do?" Corbyn asked, quick to assume. "No, he didn't do anything. It was mutual." I said quickly. "Then why are you crying?" Zach asked me. "Because it hurts." Daniel answered the youngest and looked at me with his calming blue eyes. The boys left me downstairs with Daniel and went upstairs to check on Jack. I cried into Daniels shoulder as he calmed me down. "Hey, it's alright. Everything will be okay." He said and I nodded. "Thank you for always being here for me." I said and hugged him. Dani and I sat there while I cried it out. He didn't seem to mind comforting me.


Sunday, February 25th, 2018.

Tour starts today. We all were actually together, the boys and I, outside of the tour bus. Jack and I had continued along like nothing had ever happened. No breakup, no dating, nothing. Like we have been just friends all along. The whole internet breakup was terrible. Lots of drama. But a lot of support too. Mostly support. Jack had already moved on. He's now dating some girl named Gabbie Gonzalez. And good for him. She's beautiful. But over the past week, I've developed a huge crush on the one and only, Daniel Seavey. He's been so nice to me since the breakup, and even before the breakup. He was there for me when Jack couldn't be. And I really appreciated that. Anyway, Tuesday night i would have my first show in Cincinnati. And I am so excited.


Monday, February 26th, 2018.

"Daniel I swear to god if you don't get back here right now I'll-" "What? What could you possible do?" Daniel asked with that stupid cute quirky smirk on his lips. "Just give me back my phone!" I sighed as I stopped my foot like a toddler having a meltdown. He had took my phone and ran away from me down the hallway of the hotel we were currently staying in. "Daniel pass it!" Jonah said and Daniel tossed my phone over to Jonah who ran out the lobby doors with Daniel chasing him. "Hey! That is not a football!" I yelled as I ran outside after them. "Corbyn!" Jonah yelled with a grin and tossed my phone. I started running towards him and he bolted towards Zach. "Catch!" Corbyn yelled and tossed my phone to Zach. I cringed as Zach made an effort to catch it, but failed as I watched it slip out of his hands and slid face down against the asphalt.

Something Different //J.A.Where stories live. Discover now