Chapter 6

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Just so you don't get confused..

This is when Samuel took her back from the beach.

Samuel's POV:

I stared at my girlfriend in amazement as she slept in my arms. We were laying on the couch and I was too lazy to walk up the stairs and get a shirt so I was still bare. She, from time to time, nuzzled on my chest and hummed in her sleep which made me chuckle. I kissed her forehead multiple times and nuzzled my face on her wet hair.

"Mm-- mommy. Please." She mumbled in her sleep. I slightly stood up in concern. "I love him.. don't. He's mhmy everything y--you can't take the only t-thing I love away frmm me.."

"Baby are you okay?"

She moaned and looked at me tiredly. "Uh, yeah. I'm fine." She mumbled.

"You were talking in you sleep."

"Oh. What was I saying?" She chuckled.

"You were talking about eggs and bacon." I lied giving out a small chuckle.

She rolled her eyes and laid herself on my lap.

"Goodnight sexy." I mumbled.

Her eyebrows furred down. "Did you just call me sexy?!" She scoffed.

"Well you are." I snapped.

She scoffed once again and raised up. "I think I should go home." She smiled jokingly.

I pouted. "Don't leave." I whined.

"Geez. Okay." She laid back down but this time on my shoulder. I laid down with her. "This won't really--"

"Yeah we should go upstairs.' I smiled and carried her up the stairs, while complaining about how cute she is.

I set her on the bed and she scooted to the right as I joined her. We were inches away facing each other.

"I love you jagiya."

"I love you too." She kissed my lips quickly. "You know, you have an eight pack." She smirked.

"Bullshit." I laughed at her and pinched her nose playfully. "Don't make me tickle you."

"I swear to god Kim Samuel if you tickle me I will kill you." She said sternly.

"Okay. Got it. One more kiss?"

She rolled her eyes and kissed me on the cheek. "You didn't say where." She turned away from me.

I placed my arms around her waist and held her close, putting my chin on her shoulder. I kissed her neck five times over. I started to slightly move her bra strap.

"Baby stop." She complained.

I groaned. "But--"

"We've only been dating for five days. Chill out. Go to sleep."

I pulled her closer as she closed her eyes. I honestly wanted to have sex with her because I'm a guy and that's how we role. If she didn't want to have sex I respected that. And hell, I'm only 16 that's kinda weird. It's not like I have weird sex dreams though.

I kissed her cheek slowly. "Baby, do you think our children would be super annoying like me?"

Her eyes opened wide. "Uh, children? Um.."

Shit. I felt terrible I made her uncomfortable. "I love you. Goodnight jagiya."

She closed her eyes again and I scooted back and let go of her waist. I turned to look up to the ceiling. The ceiling was very awkward in the sense that it reminded me of my dad for some reason.

I looked at my girlfriend and smiled. She was already asleep. I don't know how she can fall asleep that fast.

I slowly took the edge of my brown plump comforter and peeled it away from my body. I leaned to the right and stepped down and off my bed. I walked to my dresser drawers and opened the top one. I pulled out a blank white t-shirt and put it on.

My feet tensed slowly as I walked out of the room and down the stairs. I paced to the fridge and felt my nerves accelerating. I opened it and took out a glass bottle, tinted brown. Using my fingers to prop open the cap, it seemed to smoke up as it opened.

I quickly felt the regret in my body as I started to chug the Coors Light down.

I felt it was the only way to de-stress myself. I never got any sleep no matter how hard I tried. So I pretty much drank my feelings.

Bottle after bottle I started to feel drowsy now, and I was definitely going to feel this in the morning. My thoughts were interrupted by a loud whimper and a scream from upstairs.

I immediately ran to the sound and found Catie on the floor crying. My hands reached out for her as I kneeled down. "Baby talk to me. Are you okay?"

She whimpered softly and tears fell down her face. "I--Its a bad dream. I l-lost you."

"Jagiya you will never loose me. Trust me I won't let that happen." I kissed her and immediately regret it.

"Samuel?" She slowly got up. "Were you drinking beer?"

"Beer? What's.. beer?"

She gave me a 'shut-up-you're-in-deep-shit' look. "Samuel.. let me smell your breath."

I nodded. "Can I brush my teeth first?"

She quickly grabbed my shoulders and smelled my breath even though I tried to keep my mouth shut. "God.. Samuel.. you've been drinking? Why?" She seemed rather calm.

"It's just.. uh.. orange juice."

"Samuel!" She shouted. It caught me by alarm. "Tell me the truth!"

"Okay. It was apple juice." I gave her a worried smile.

"Whatever. I'm sleeping on the couch." She sighed.

I reached to her shoulders. "No no.. why?"

"For one.." She pushed my hands off her. "You're lying to me. And for two." She flicked my chest. "I don't want to sleep with the smell of rotten raccoons and alcohol."

"Well you seem fine now." I mumbled. "I'll take a shower. Ok?"

"At three in the morning?"

"Anything for you. Remember?" I took her by the waist and grabbed her hand.

"It was five days ago I remember." She scoffed. "Goodnight."

Before she could move I pulled her to me and slammed my lips on hers. She still moved with my lips on hers and I lead her onto the bed. Her chest was rising and falling as I pulled back, me above her.

"You smell like a drunk lumberjack." She chided.

"Ouch. Give me some credit babe." I leaned in for her lips again but was stopped by her hand.

"We have school. Get some sleep."

"I won't go to sleep unless you stay here with me." I pouted.

She sighed. "Ok. But go to sleep. You know, the kind where you close your eyes not drink in the middle of the night."

I rolled over to her side and held her close. I felt like she didn't like me at the moment where I smelled of alcohol. "Do you love me?" I asked selfishly over her shoulder.

"Of course I do." She mumbled. "I would absolutely praise you though if you took a fucking shower." She chuckled.

I scoffed. "Fine then. I'll take a shower in about.. four hours. At 7:00." I rubbed her thigh and she slapped my hand. "Ouch. Happy now?"

"Oh as happy as can be."

I'll try to update but I have school now so it might take longer than usual. I love all y'all :')

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