Chapter 10

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Catie's POV:

Joshua decided that he would start a little 'gang' at lunch. It consisted of him, his girlfriend Jennie (A/N: oh yes I did... hehe), this freshman kid named Johnny (A/N: DID IT AGAIN), a lone senior named Erwin Kim, Samuel, and me. Samuel was apparently close with all these people.

The first day the group was abound I tried my best to socialize with these dorks but I couldn't possibly.

This 'idea' of Joshua's came to him while he was in the ocean, practically naked, while Samuel and I slept in the sand. I don't know how but he just woke us up and said he had this brilliant concept. We pretty much just let him imagine like a little kid.

"Alright, gang. It's initiation time." Joshua announce to the five of us.

I smacked my head. "Joshua. This is pointless." I mumbled.

"This isn't pointless cupcake!" He snapped.

Erwin smirked at the stupidness while Johnny and Jennie had their full attention to him. Samuel looked like he was about to fall asleep.

"Dude just shut up. We're a part of the group so accept it and move on." Samuel mumbled very annoyed.

Joshua pouted. "But.. But.."

"But but but." Samuel mocked. Everyone tried to hold back their laughter. "You're not fucking Carlito okay? We are a group of friends. That's all."

I looked at him."Ouch."

"Well you're special baby." He smiled and pecked my lips. I chuckled.

Joshua scoffed. "Okay okay." He smiled reassuringly and stuck his fist out. "Let's go ape-shit."

Jennie joined him by placing her fist in the middle. "Let's go ape-shit."

"Ape-shit." Johnny laughed.

"Ape-shit." Erwin gave in.

"Are you fucking serious?" Samuel protested. They wiggled their fists and nodded. Samuel sighed and stuck his fist in to join the four. "Ape-shit."

I chuckled as the five dorks that stared at me. Little did I ever know at this moment, these five changed my life drastically. I put my fist in the middle. "Let's go fucking ape-shit."

(' ' )ノ──────────(' ' )
Fluff Warning

Samuel decided to join me coming home. My parents have been gone and I have no idea where they went. I haven't heard from them in three days.

"So.. Babe."

"Yeah?" I said, my voice vibrated throughout his chest area.

"I'm thinking of having a little party at my place for the Ape-shit Club." He chuckled a little at our club's name.

My eyes widened at the thought of me sleeping in the same house as Joshua. "Oh okay." I smiled fakely.

"What's the matter?"

"Uh.. Nothing." I lied.

"Bullshit honey." He chuckled. I felt like an old couple when he called me 'honey'.

I sighed. "I just don't support the idea of me being in the same house as Joshua."

"Why not? He's a dickhead, sure, but he's still family."

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