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i know this is v not hobi but hang in there, it'll make sense soon

Namjoon apologized as he stepped on a few toes and bumped a few people in his fight through the sea of moms to make it to the last empty seat in the back, which unfortunately happened to be in the middle.

When Namjoon had gotten the flier for Hobi's preschool class performance, he had planned it all out in his head. He would arrive an hour early with two video cameras, one mounted on a tripod, the other in his hand, and he'd get the best seat in the front row and film the whole thing.

Only he'd forgotten that he had to pick Jin up from school, which should have been a quick extraction, but Jin refused to leave the classroom until he got the sticker his teacher had promised him. Then he'd stared at the sticker sheet for ten minutes before finally selecting the sticker of a pink lollipop. Then Namjoon had dragged him to the car and driven over as fast as he could.

In the end, though, they were still behind schedule, and due to the hurry, Namjoon had forgotten the video cameras in the car.

So Namjoon grabbed the last seat and sat Jin on his lap to watch the show.

The class had borrowed the school "auditorium", which was really just an extra classroom that was filled with painful metal folding chairs and had black shower curtains hung on a metal bar at one side of the room.

Said curtains were drawn by the teacher on the side of the stage to reveal Hobi's class.

Everyone was wearing colorful costumes, but Namjoon couldn't see Hobi yet.

"Welcome to class 3's show," a little girl who was already missing a tooth said slowly, grinning. "Please enjoy."

All the parents clapped, and the girl - who was dressed like a bumblebee - ran back to join the other bumblebees.

After watching kids twirl around onstage for fifteen minutes, Namjoon still wasn't sure what the plot was. Or if there was one. But all the kids were dressed as cute bugs. The bumblebee squad had already performed, as had a group of preschoolers-turned-butterflies.

And still, Namjoon hadn't seen Hobi.

"Daddy," Jin said, and a Mom nearby shushed him. "Daddy," Jin repeated more quietly, urgently tugging at Namjoon's tie. "When is we going to see Hobi?"

"It's when are," Namjoon corrected, never too distracted to correct his children's speaking. "And I'm not sure. Be patient, okay?"

The mom shushed Namjoon this time.

He rolled his eyes and turned away from her, muttering, "She's just upset because her kid is probably dressed as a spider."

Jin giggled and shifted on Namjoon's lap.

Then they saw Hobi.

He was dressed as a ladybug, with a pair of little wings on the back. Namjoon had to admit he looked adorable.

The teacher hit the play button on the CD, and the new song started.

Then Hobi started started dancing.

At first, Hobi stuck to the plan. There were four other ladybugs stumbling around on stage with him, and Namjoon got the impression that they'd all made an attempt to learn a certain dance.

The dance started with the ladybugs stepping to the left and clapping before stepping to the right and clapping. Then they stood on their tippy-toes and turned around in a circle like ballerinas.

One of the ladybugs - a girl with blonde curly hair - kept spinning until she spun right off the stage and into a wall. One of the others tripped and fell down.

The remaining three ladybugs - Hobi included - paused, unsure of what to do.

"Keep going!" their teacher whisper-shouted from the side.

The other two kids just stood there, but Hobi stepped forward like it was his time to shine.

Then Hobi started doing body rolls.

"Oh my goodness," one mom said, pressing a hand to her heart. "What is that child doing?"

"Who's child is that?" a different mom asked. "They should be ashamed!"

"What parent taught their child to do such a thing?" a different mom asked.

"Daddy!" Jin said, giggling and point at the stage. "Look at what Hobi is-"

Namjoon ducked his head, quickly put his hand over Jin's mouth, but the damage was already done.

All the moms craned their heads to look at the Worst Parent of the Year Award.

Namjoon opened his mouth to defend himself, but he just sat there for a long moment. Then, "He gets it from his mom...?"

Hobi stopped and grinned upon seeing Namjoon in the back. "DADDY!" he yelled, smiling.

The CD track finished, and the room was pregnant with silence.

Then Namjoon started clapping. He was the only one clapping.

Hobi grinned even though the mood had become so awkward. Then he took a bow. "Me is your hope, me is your angel, me is Hobi!" Then he left the stage.

Namjoon collected Hobi at the conclusion of the show and buckled his bumbleebee in the car. Then he drove off quickly before the other moms could give him a piece of their minds.

"Well? Did you like the show?" Hobi asked, bouncing in his seat.

"Yes, I did," Namjoon said, checking his rear view mirror. "Just one thing..."

"Yes, Daddy?"

"It's I'm your hope, I'm your angel, I'm Hobi. Not me is. Okay?"

"Okay Daddy!!"

Namjoon smiled as he focused back on the road, deciding that he didn't have to tell his wife about Hobi's...unique...dancing interpretation.


"Yes, Hobi?"

"You left Yoongi behind at the preschool."

if this isn't what you requested, please be patient - i'll get to the others!

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