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"Just stick your arms in the armholes so we can go," Namjoon said, losing patience at Yoongi, who shook his head, clutching his arms to his chest and refusing to put the coat on. "No! I don't want to!"

"You need to because-" Namjoon sighed. He'd already explained why coats were necessary about a dozen times, but of course Yoongi had ignored it every single time. "Just - arms in the armholes. Now."


Namjoon massaged his forehead. "Jin, please, help me out here. Make him cooperate."

Jin beamed, proud at having been chosen, and skipped over to Yoongi. "Yoongi, look! I'm wearing my coat! You should wear yours!"


Jin waited about three seconds before he tried physically prying Yoongi's hands off his chest and shoving them into the arms of the coat.

"Jin," Namjoon said, stopping him. "Violence is never the answer."

"Violence is sometimes the answer," countered Taehyung quietly.

"Hobi? Hobi, where are y- There you are. Hobi, come make Yoongi put his coat on," Namjoon said, grabbing on to whatever help he could.

Hobi just smiled, squatting down in front of Yoongi. "Yoongi? Can I tell you a secret?"

Yoongi hesitated before nodding once.

"Did you know that Kumamon wears a coat?" Hobi asked innocently, watching as Yoongi's face twitched slightly.

"He does not," Yoongi denied, but it was weak.

"Mmhm," Hobi said, grinning. "Because Kumamon doesn't want to get sick. How would you feel if Kumamon got sick?"

Yoongi swallowed. "I- no, I wouldn't like it."

Hobi nodded encouragingly. "And how do you think Kumamon would feel if you got sick?"

Yoongi's eyes widened slightly. "I- I don't know."

"I don't think Kumamon would be happy, do you?" Hobi prodded, and Yoongi swallowed again.

"Probably...probably not."

Hobi nodded, smiling.

And so the day was saved yet again by Kumamon.


"And make sure to wear your coat during recess!" Namjoon shouted out the window as Yoongi and Jin toddled off into their school, Yoongi looking back to stick his tongue out.


And that was how Yoongi came down with a cold.

Namjoon paced in the kitchen. What do I do? Somehow, they've never really gotten sick before...A miracle, for sure, but now I'm completely lost. What if I do the wrong thing and it actually gets worse?

Namjoon hesitated a moment longer before pulling out his phone and scrolling through his contacts before skipping to the T's. Then he hit the call button.


Namjoon exhaled in relief. "This is Tuan, right?"

"Yeah? Oh wait, Kim, right? From work?"

"Yeah, I'm Kim Namjoon."

"Oh, all right, I got you. You can just skip the formalities and call me Mark. What's up?"

"Ah well...you have kids, right?"

Namjoon heard a high-pitched laugh. "Yeah, my two little angels Yugyeom and Kunpimook. Although he's going through this phase where he's trying to be a 'cool kid' and he insists that we all refer to him as BamBam. But what about them?"

Single Father • Namjoon + BTS!KidsWhere stories live. Discover now