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"Twick o Tweat!"

Namjoon sighed. "No, no. Try it again. It's trick or treat. Trrrrr. With an r. An r makes a ruh sound. W, on the other hand, makes a wuh sound. Ruh. R. Wuh. W. Okay? Now do it again."

His kids sighed but got lined up again. Jin pretended to ring the doorbell.

Namjoon pretended to open a fake door. "Oh, my! There's a flower, a turtle, a horse, an angel, an alien, and a bunny on my doorstep!"

Namjoon had quickly made Jungkook change his costume from the singer, but after Jungkook had spent two hours searching for a seagull costume in vain, he had finally ended up as the Halloween classic: the cute bunny.

Namjoon was about 80% sure that the costume had been made for little girls, but he'd hidden that knowledge from his son.

"Trick or treat!" they shouted in unison, and Yoongi held out his bag expectantly.

"Candy," Yoongi said. "Now."

Namjoon crossed his arms.


Namjoon smiled. "Close enough." He smiled at them. "Okay, new scenario, what if their doorbell doesn't work?"

Jin sighed, flopping on the couch. "Dadddddy, we're tired of practicing! We want to go trick or treating already!"

"Trick or treat! Trick or treat!"

Namjoon smiled. "Okay, okay, I get it. Let's just go then-"

"No, Daddy has to change into his costume first," Jin said, standing up suddenly and staring at Namjoon intensely so he couldn't escape.

Namjoon sighed after a moment. "Okay, okay...Give me five minutes."


Namjoon came out of his bedroom reluctantly, cat ears resting atop his head. "There, okay? Let's g-"

"No, I get to draw on Daddy's whiskers!" Jin said, and Namjoon physically cringed.

"No, I think I'm fi-"

"Nope!" Jin grinned, running out of the room and back again with Namjoon's wife's eyeliner.

It was the one thing she'd left behind, probably because it wasn't the first time Jin had stolen it and put it back somewhere it didn't belong, somewhere she hadn't been able to find it

"Sit down Daddy!"

Sighing, Namjoon did as asked, and Jin drew on whiskers with a shaky hand.

"Okay, now it's your turn to practice!"

Namjoon blinked. "What?"

"You have to do the thing I told you!" Jin insisted.

Namjoon was about to say "absolutely not, no freaking way" when he saw six pairs of eyes looking at him hopefully, ready to laugh, wanting to laugh, wanting him to make them laugh.

He couldn't disappoint those eyes.

Namjoon reluctantly held his hands up in paw-like fists by his eyes and, closing his eyes, hesitated before saying, "N-nya~"

Jin shrieked and they all clapped their hands.

"Now do the other one!"

Namjoon sighed. "Meow~"

"Yay! Daddy's a kitten!"

Namjoon hesitated before smiling at his kids, letting his hands drop to his sides. He wasn't really all that against wearing a costume with his kids, but the costume they'd picked out for him - of course they hadn't let him choose for himself - was, like Jungkook's, more geared towards women, and the front of his shirt was a low v-neck that revealed more of his chest than he liked.

Single Father • Namjoon + BTS!KidsWhere stories live. Discover now