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you have to be quiet, jiminie.

you can't make a sound.

it's like a game of hide and seek, and we don't want you to be found, do we?

you want to win, don't you?

that's right.

now be a good boy and be silent.


"Jungkook? That's your name, right?"

Jungkook frowned, looking over at his siblings.

"Jungkook, I need you to answer me please."

Jungkook looked at Lisa, but he didn't trust her. "Yeah."

"All right, Jungkook. Can you tell me what happened today?"

And again, Jungkook looked back to his siblings, and Lisa knew that if he were left next to them, he wouldn't tell her the truth, or at least, not all of it.

"How about we do this somewhere else?" she suggested, standing up and holding out a hand for Jungkook to take.

"Where are you taking him?" Namjoon asked, worried.

"Just to an empty interrogation room. Don't worry, Namjoon. I just need to make sure I hear everything from him without his story being altered because he knows you guys are here. You're welcome to sit in if you're worried about his rights being violated, but then he might not tell me the whole truth."

Namjoon hesitated before nodding. "Fine."

Lisa smiled and took Jungkook's hand, leading him to an empty interrogation room and sitting next to him rather than across from him to make him more at ease. "So, Jungkook. You were about to tell me everything that happened today."

Jungkook frowned. "I woke up for school, had breakfast, and brushed my teeth. Then we all got in the car - Jimin too - and Daddy dropped me and Jimin off at preschool."

Didn't Namjoon say he dropped off the older kids first?

Lisa noted the small detail and listened as Jungkook went on.

"Our teacher called attendance and then said we could play."

"And who do you usually play with, Jungkook? Tae and Jimin?"

Jungkook shook his head. "I already play with them at home a lot. In school, I play with the girls."

Lisa nodded, writing everything down and making sure her recorder was still running. "And who does Jimin play with?"

"He plays by himself. Well, sort of." Jungkook frowned, glancing at the mirror. "Why can't I see anything in it?"

Lisa blinked. "Because it's one-way."

"What does that mean?"

"Someone on the other side can see us in here, but we can't see them."

"Is there someone there right now?"

"Nope. Now, Jungkook, you were telling me about who Jimin plays with?"

Jungkook crossed his arms. "These two kids always pick on Jimin."

"Which kids?"

"Jongup and Hyukk. Jimin likes to play with blocks, and they always knock his stuff over. But Taehyung picks on them back because he's always babying Jimin."

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