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"I will always wonder who you would have been."



Lisa tiredly gestured to the seat across the table, and Namjoon's ex-wife sat down. "Care to explain why you're half an hour late?" Lisa asked somewhat sharply, and the ex-wife just shrugged.

"I got here when I could. Do you want my information or not?"

Lisa seethed but nodded, pulling out her notepad. "What info do you have, how did you get it, and why did you wait so long to tell us?"

The ex-wife ignored Lisa's attitude and started talking. "As Namjoon is aware, my partner and I decided several years ago that we wanted a child."

Namjoon made a noise of disgust in his throat, which she ignored.

"Namjoon ignored my multiple requests to share custody, so instead, we decided to have a child of our own. Only it wasn't working for several years. We don't know why, just that I wasn't able to conceive a child despite all of our efforts. Last year, however, a friend referred me to a fertility clinic that was said to be rather successful, so I went in for a preliminary appointment about half a year ago." The ex-wife stopped to leisurely take a drink of water, acting like she had not a care in the world, but Lisa noticed that her hand was shaking.

Is she nervous because she's lying to me to escape suspicion?

Or is she scared because she's worried about Jimin?

"My husband and I decided to give the clinic a try and, after 4 monthly appointments, the tests finally came back positive-"

"Congratufrickinglations," Namjoon muttered.

She flinched but inhaled through her nose. "The secretary and I usually chat before the appointments, and she said something that didn't really make sense to me at the time."

"When was this?" Lisa asked, scribbling information down.

"About 2 months ago."

"And what did the secretary tell you?"

"She just said-" The ex-wife hesitated before shaking her head in confusion. "She said that even though I had successfully conceived a child, to be careful that another accident didn't happen."

"Then what?"

The ex-wife exhaled, shaking her head again. "Nothing. I got called in to my appointment, and I forgot about it. But when I went in a month ago, I remembered thinking that what she'd said was strange, and I asked her what sort of accident had happened. Just so I could protect myself against it."


"She said that I didn't have to worry because my husband seemed nice and I didn't come in with bruises or anything, but that one of the women who went to the clinic had spent years trying to have a child, only shortly after she became pregnant, her husband - he was abusive at times - hit her around a bit. I don't think he meant to injure the child because according to the secretary, he was desperate for a child as well, but the unborn child died as a result."

"That's horrible," Lisa said, frowning, and the ex-wife nodded. "But why do you think this has anything to do with Jimin?"

"I was getting there," she said, frowning. "At my last appointment, I was trying to figure out a little more, just because girls like to gossip. You know how it is." She paused, looking at Lisa. "Or maybe not. But I was asking about the woman who'd had a miscarriage early in her term, and the secretary started off with that "client confidentiality privilege" thing, but I was acting all buddy-buddy with her, and eventually, she said it was fine since the woman doesn't come in anymore, and I said that I'd known someone who'd had something similar happened to her and just asked for the last name."

"Do you have a friend who had something like that happen?"

"No, I just made it up because I was curious. But..." The ex-wife bit her lip. "The secretary agreed and said she'd only tell me the last name. She told me it was Song."

Lisa frowned. "Song? You're sure she said Song? But there are a lot of Songs..."

Lisa shook her head. "It took me a minute but I remembered the preschool teacher's name. Jin and the older boys went there too, before I...well, I asked the secretary if the woman was Song Eungi, and she looked surprised but nodded."

"Song Eungi, the preschool teacher..." Lisa nodded, tense. "The preschool did say that she had a miscarriage. But the school said it happened after Jimin went missing. It just doesn't make sense."

The ex-wife sighed. "I'm sorry. That's all I knew. I thought it could help somehow."

Lisa shook her head. "That's all right. It still might help," she said uncertainly, but she couldn't think of any new angle that it unlocked. "The information about her husband is new. Although I just don't see why-"

They were cut off by the ringing of Namjoon's phone.

They all stared at it for a second before Namjoon picked it up and help it up to his ear. "Yes?"

"Daddy," Jungkook said from the other end, and Namjoon's ex-wife gave a sharp intake of breath upon hearing Jungkook's voice.

"What is it, Jungkook? Daddy's a little busy right-"

"That thing I wanted to tell you."

"What thing?"

"From that day. I remembered it."

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