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The asshole that Yoongi had to deal with was his partner for some literary analysis project. Yoongi did his half of the project, which some people found surprising. It was the other kid who had screwed them over by not even starting.

But that was the lovely part of high school. A project, shared between two people who didn't want to work together, and later a 50%, also shared between two people.

"Hey, man," the boy said, holding his hands up defensively. "Don't act like you're some sort of honor roll student."

"That means nothing to me. I did my half of the work! We failed because you did absolutely nothing!"

"Well, how was I supposed to know that the Kim Yoongi was actually going to work hard to get that 4.0?" the boy said mockingly, and Yoongi tilted his head, fully ready to just punch the kid, but he knew it would only create more problems.

Instead, he exhaled sharply, clenching his fists and reminding himself that if he punched someone, he'd end up in suspension (again).

He didn't want to end up there. He had plenty of viable reasons.

1) He was actually working hard in high school, or at least, he was doing the minimum effort required by him to get good grades, only stupid group projects like this one always screwed him over even though he did the work.

2) If he got suspended (again), their mom would be disappointed, not that he really cared, but her husband would be pissed since they would have to pick Yoongi up after school and talk to the principal and sign official paperwork and stuff like that.

3) If he was stuck in suspension (again), that would leave Hobi and Jimin alone in the house with their parents, and Yoongi didn't like doing that.

So he pulled his punch and walked away, pissed that idiots like his partner were the reason everyone seemed to think that he was a brainless idiot. Yes, he'd failed the project, but every single point they'd gotten had been thanks to him.

Not that anyone cared. He was just Kim Yoongi, the kid who had a hard time holding his temper back. The only people who were scared of him were the ones related to him.

But it wasn't his fault that everybody made their own assumptions about him.

"Hey," Kihyun said as Yoongi walked in the classroom.

That was right, Yoongi had forgotten about the two other idiots who didn't mind hanging out with him.

Yoongi just exhaled, still frustrated, and collapsed in his chair, leaning his forehead against the cold surface of the desk.

"Bad day?"

Yoongi grunted.

"Are you still pissed about the project?"

Yoongi looked up at Kihyun. "Of course I'm still pissed. I worked my ass off and because of him, we both failed. Not that I care about his grades, but my mom will kill me."

And if she's angry, he gets angry, and if he gets angry, then...

"So? Did you punch him, then?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes, upset and filled with a bit of regret. "I wish."

"So why didn't you?"

Yoongi didn't reply.

Wonho entered the room and immediately made his way over to them. "Morning," he said, grinning as he sat down.

Yoongi pretended to ignore him. Well, he didn't have to pretend that much.

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