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"So, let me get this straight: you..."

He paused to look down at the sheet and make sure he was reading it correctly.

"You thought it would be a good idea to let a spider-"

"Gerald. His name is Gerald."

"-to let Gerald inside your classroom?"

"He was seeking educational enlightenment."


Yoongi narrowed his eyes. "I'm not seeing the problem here."

The principal sighed. "Then let me define it for you. Some of the students in your class found your behavior to be a form of harassment."

"Names or it didn't happen."


"Also, just for the record - and yes, I would appreciate it ever so kindly if you would add this to my file that's sitting open on your desk - first I'm yelled at for killing the stupid goldfish - which I didn't even do, it died because the stupid kid in charge of the class pet didn't feed the poor thing for two weeks straight - and now you're yelling at me for not killing something?"

The principal sighed. "Yoongi, kids don't like spiders."

"So it would have been fine if Gerald had been a bunny?"

The principal hesitated because he could see Yoongi's point, but his job was to listen to the complaints of the student body and, unfortunately, they were against Yoongi. "Yoo-"

"But Gerald wasn't born a bunny, he was born a spider. Isn't that what the school is always saying? Be yourself and Don't be afraid to be you and all that? And yet when Gerald steps in to sit in on our math class, he's persecuted."

"Don't you think persecuted it a strong word, Y-"

"Do you know where Gerald is now?"

The principal was silent. He always felt like when he talked to Yoongi, Yoongi always won, not that it was a battle, but Yoongi undeniably came out on top. "No, I don't. Where is Gerald now?"

"Riding along on the bottom of some girl's shoe after she used her superior strength and size to execute Gerald. That's who should be sitting in your office. What happened to preserving the peace? Because she definitely did not preserve the peace, not in Gerald's case. Just an innocent individual, in the wrong place at the wrong time - which reminds me, isn't school supposed to be a safe place? Do you think Gerald's friends and family will feel safe coming here knowing what happening to him? Do you think-"

"Gerald is a spider, Yoongi."

"Was. He was a spider. Now he's dead."

The principal sighed. He could never win against Yoongi.



The principal looked up at Yoongi. Down at the paper. Up at Yoongi. Down at the paper.

"You stole all the paper towels out of the boys' bathroom?"

He looked back up at Yoongi, but when Yoongi failed to open his mouth, the principal sighed. "Do you have anything to say about that?"

Yoongi looked as though he were satisfied with waiting for his lawyer before he suddenly said, "It wasn't stealing, it was borrowing. I had every intention to return them. Eventually."

"Eventually, as in when?"

Yoongi shrugged. "When it stopped being funny."

"When what stopped being funny, Yoongi?"

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