Hobi sighed as the bell rang.
Class was over.
Now, it was time for lunch.
He went to the cafeteria and got a tray, grabbing the necessary items and letting the lunch lady scan them. His mom and her husband paid for the school lunch program instead of making his lunch like Namjoon used to, and they'd get notifications if he didn't get a lunch everyday.
It was one of the things the lawyers made sure of.
Hobi didn't really care. Just another box to check off.
He looked for an empty lunch table and found one in the corner. Lunch hours were separated by year, which meant he had a sophomore lunch hour, which additionally meant that none of his brothers had the same one, which finally meant that he had to eat alone. He set the tray on the table before sitting down, putting his backpack on the seat next to him. Then he pulled out his phone.
4 new messages
yes / no
Wonpillow: hoooooooooobi
Wonpillow: did you eat your lunch yet?
Wonpillow: hobihobihobihobi answer me child
Wonpillow: i will not stop messaging you until i have photo confirmation
Hobi smiled before flicking his eyes toward the lunch tray. With a sigh, he grabbed the entree item, a hamburger, and took a photo. Then he took a few bites out of it, ignoring the flavor and instead forcing it down his throat before taking a photo of the half-eaten burger next to his face. Then he sent both photos to Wonpil and waited.
1 new message
yes / no
Wonpillow: good job! don't push yourself too hard. hope the rest of your school day goes well!
Hobi smiled before texting back.
to: Wonpillow
message: haha thanks, now stop texting me and focus on whatever your teacher is saying before i get you in trouble again
send message?
yes / no
He sighed and put his phone away. Because the zones for elementary schools and high schools were different, Wonpil had gone to a different high school than Hobi. Additionally, one of the stipulations in the custody paperwork had been that, despite living in separate houses, all of the siblings had to attend the same high school to keep things fair, so Hobi was here and Wonpil was there and that was that.
Although that seemed stupid to Hobi. He liked being in the same school as his brothers, but fair?
When had fair ever mattered?
Was it fair that kids had taken his food and he'd become accustomed to going without?
Was it fair that Hobi's only friend was in a different high school right now, texting him instead of talking with him in person?
Was it fair that Jin, Taehyung, and Jungkook got to live with Namjoon while Hobi, Yoongi, and Jimin had to live with their mom and her husband?
How was any of it fair? Why was there a sudden focus on trying to make things even? When had that ever mattered before?
Was it fair that their vulnerabilities had been used against them?
The main reason Yoongi, Hobi, and Jimin had been chosen to live with their mom was because they were the three with the most severe problems. The lawyers called it neglect on Namjoon's part, which it wasn't necessarily, but nobody could argue with the facts. Yoongi, with a school record that seemed to never end, full of quite possibly several true accusations and a nest of questionable events that had never been confirmed. Hobi, with an eating disorder (Mr. Kim, how did you never manage to notice that one of your sons has anorexia? to which Namjoon had no answer). Jimin, for obvious reasons.

Single Father • Namjoon + BTS!Kids
FanfictionNamjoon picked up Taehyung, who started- "Um, babe? I think he's growling at me. Is that supposed to happen? Is he supposed to do that? Did I break him?" *** Namjoon, father of six, tries his best...although his kids don't exactly make it easy for h...