"Dad, the phone is ringing!" Jin yelled, and Namjoon sighed. It was eight in the morning on a Saturday, and he'd been woken up by the phone for the second time. The first time, he'd let it continue ringing, but he knew Jin wouldn't stop yelling until he gave him a reasonable answer.
Unfortunately, Namjoon wasn't thinking quickly that morning, as he'd only gone to bed at around 6:00 AM, having worked the night shift, so he was running on only two hours of sleep.
Instead of telling Jin all the reasons why he didn't want to pick up the phone, he just groaned and reached over to the bedside table, picking up the phone. "Mm?"
"Kim Namjoon?"
"Uh, yes? Who is this?"
He listened to the voice on the other end.
"Why are you calling me?" he asked.
"I'm sorry, that information is outdated and incorrect. I'm sorry to hear about what happened, but I'm not the person you're looking for."
Namjoon ended the call and stared at the phone for several minutes before placing in place and going back to sleep.
The kids woke him up at nine.
"Dad, you said to wake you up because we have the appointment and it's nine and the appointment is at nine thirty so I thought now would be a good time to-"
Namjoon sat up quickly, too quickly, bumping his head on the headboard of the bed and biting down on his bottom lip to keep from swearing in front of his kids while he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "Right, right, dentist, right. Have you all-"
"Everyone brushed their teeth already," Jin informed Namjoon. "We all have our shoes and coats on."
"Oh." Namjoon paused, still trying to wake up. "Then did you-"
"Yes, Dad, we already ate breakfast! We have to go now or we're going to be late!"
Namjoon chuckled before stretching, a yawn delaying his response. "All right, all right. Get everyone in the car and I'll be there in a minute."
"You better not fall back asleep," Jin warned with narrowed eyes before running out of Namjoon's room and collecting the troops.
Namjoon got in the driver's seat and turned around to make sure everyone was wearing their seat belts (and that he hadn't left anyone behind).
Jin in the passenger seat, equipped with a thin paperback. Check.
Yoongi, middle left, already dozing back off. Check.
Hobi, middle right, looking out the window with a grin on his face. Check.
Taehyung, back left, making weird faces in the window and looking at his reflection. Check.
Jungkook, back middle, kicking his feet lightly and not really doing much of anything. Check.
Jimin, back right, looking downright terrified and clutching tightly onto a stuffed animal-
Is that a Kumamon plushy?
No, no way...not possible...
"Jimin, are you all right back there?" Namjoon asked, still squinting to see what Jimin was holding.
Jimin started to lift his head up in a nod but quickly shook his head from side to side, clutching the plushy desperately.
"What's wrong, sweetie?" Namjoon asked, but his eyes snaked left to check the time.
"Y-yoongi said t-that a scary p-person is going t-to shove sharp things in m-my m-mouth a-and make all my t-teeth bleed," Jimin choked out, and Namjoon slowly turned to glare at Yoongi, who was innocently asleep.
"Your teeth won't bleed," Jin said reassuringly, turning around to smile at Jimin. "Just your gums, and then it's all gross because you can taste the blood even after they rinse out your mouth."
Namjoon sighed. Why did I ever think that he would help the situation? "Jimin, it's going to be fine, all right? I'll be there the whole time. Don't worry, okay?"
Jimin gave Namjoon an unconvinced look but nodded slowly, and as he did, Namjoon could finally make out the Kumamon plushy in his arms.
So it is Kumamon...
He shook his head but smiled lightly in the rear view mirror at Yoongi, confusing kid that he was.
"So? How was it? Not so scary, right?" Namjoon asked, smiling gently at Jimin, who shook his head reluctantly.
"He let me pick which toothbrush I wanted," Jimin replied, smiling slightly. "I chose blue."
"No fair! I picked blue too!" Hobi said before messing up Jimin's hair, and Jimin desperately tried to shove it back into place.
"Hyunggggg," he whined, and Jin took pity on him, shoving Hobi out of the way and fixing Jimin's bangs.
"There, cute as ever," he said, smiling, and Jimin smiled back at Jin, taking his hand, and Hobi stuck his tongue out at the two of them.
"It's fine," Yoongi told Hobi, making sure he spoke loudly enough for Jimin to overhear. "Just wait til physicals."
Jimin's eyes widened as he craned his neck to look at Yoongi. "P-physicals? What are those?"
Yoongi smiled innocently. "Oh, nothing, nothing."
Jimin turned to Jin, still scared. "Hyung?"
Jin pursed his lips. He hated physicals too. "It's...just...don't worry about it, those are in the summer."
Jimin quickly turned to Namjoon, still clutching Jin's hand. "Dad? Do I have to get one of those? No, right?"
Namjoon sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Actually, yes...Hobi has to get his, too, because he's going into sixth grade and you need one every three years but since you don't have any on file..." He sighed again before patting Jimin on the head. "Don't let your brothers scare you. It's not that bad," Namjoon said, but he winced as he said that.
Nobody liked physicals.
None of this did anything to console Jimin, who just clung to Jin and prayed that the summer would never come.
short filler chapter, will add gif later if i remember (sorry)
hope your wattpad is fixed...hope mine is too...

Single Father • Namjoon + BTS!Kids
FanfictionNamjoon picked up Taehyung, who started- "Um, babe? I think he's growling at me. Is that supposed to happen? Is he supposed to do that? Did I break him?" *** Namjoon, father of six, tries his best...although his kids don't exactly make it easy for h...