extra chapter as a special for hitting 1 million :) thanks everyone! also, your gift is a new cover haha
this takes place on the same day they found yoongi's diary
"I'm booooooored," Taehyung drawled, lying on his back and staring up at the ceiling. "Entertain me."
Jungkook just snorted, and Jin didn't answer, too busy on his phone.
"Hyung," Taehyung whined, and Jin still didn't answer.
"He's probably sending nasty pictures," Jungkook said. He should have whispered, but he didn't expect Jin to focus in on their conversation anyway.
He didn't.
"Probably pictures he takes when he thinks we're asleep. Ewww," Jungkook added, and Tae stuck out his tongue.
"Ew indeed," he agreed before rolling over. "Jin."
Jin texted away.
Jin texted away.
Jin texted away.
"Car door guy," Tae said.
It was one of Jin's nicknames, one of the ones that had died since he'd upgraded to popularity. Before he'd made the football team, Jin was an old-fashioned dork just like the rest of his brothers, and he'd been running late for school one day when someone had started getting out of their car, and Jin flew straight into the door, his head making a comical sound as he bounced off the glass and onto the pavement. He'd won a bloody nose, and the window had won a second of intimate physical contact with Jin's face.
A real win-win.
"Jin, Jin, Jin, Jin, Jin-" Taehyung cut off, sitting up straight immediately, and Jungkook stared at him.
Jin looked over. "Tae? Was that you?"
Tae blinked, still shocked by the deep sound that had just come out of his throat. "Was what me?" His eyes grew larger. "What's going on?"
"Hey, Jin, I have a joke for you," Jungkook said, grinningly gleefully, and Jin looked over, hesitant. He wasn't supposed to like stupid jokes, but it didn't hurt if he listened, right? "What did the son of the egg-head do?"
Jin blinked.
"He cracked," Jungkook said, purposefully making his voice higher on the first word and deepening his voice on the second word before rolling around in his bed giggling. Jin smiled before trying to straight his smile out, but it just made his lips look like a confused caterpillar wriggling up and down.
"Shut up Kookie!" Tae yelled, and Jungkook immediately snapped out of it, shocked by the depth of Tae's voice.
"You sound a lot more convincing like that," Jungkook said in wonder. "Maybe it's like a magical power, like you can command people to do stuff..." He leaned over his phone and texted furiously for a minute before looking back up. "Yugyeom says that there's a 90% chance you have a magical attribute." He looked back down at his phone. "He also said to look up voice cracking on something called Urban Dictionary." Jungkook looked over to Jin. "Hyung? What's Urban Dictionary?"
But Jin was already back to texting.
Jungkook rolled his eyes before sweetly saying, "Hyung? I'm going to check out the sight, okay? Don't say anything if it's okay."
He waited two seconds before pulling up the internet and finding the site.
"According to Urban Dictionary..." Jungkook began, and Tae grimaced but still leaned forward to listen. "Voice crack is when you or someone talks and their voice makes a funny noise all of a sudden."

Single Father • Namjoon + BTS!Kids
FanfictionNamjoon picked up Taehyung, who started- "Um, babe? I think he's growling at me. Is that supposed to happen? Is he supposed to do that? Did I break him?" *** Namjoon, father of six, tries his best...although his kids don't exactly make it easy for h...