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Yoongi took his seat in the back corner of the classroom. He liked it back there because he didn't have the pressure of everyone looking at him. Instead, he could see everything, and no one could see him.

The teacher let him sit there because he had "a smaller radius of destruction." Whatever that meant.

He didn't really mind though. Most of the kids in his class were either boring or stupid. They simply weren't interesting enough to catch his notice.

He didn't actually know the names of anyone in his class. Although that probably had more to do with sleeping than negligence on his own part.

"-no! Red is the best!"



The two boys turned to him expectantly, and Yoongi just blinked, having missed the conversation.

"Well? Which is it?" they asked in unison.

"Which is what?" Yoongi asked, frowning.

The boy who sat in front of him sighed. "Which color is the best. It's red. Say red."

"No, the best color is black. Tell him, Yoongi!"

Yoongi just shrugged. "Black?"

"Haha! I win, Kihyun!"

"Shut it, Wonho! That's just one opinion!"

"Boys in the back!" the teacher shouted, and they got quiet. "Either be quiet and respectful during class, or you can go and sit out in the hallway."

Kihyun and Wonho sank down in their seats a little. They were the self-proclaimed "bad boys" of the first grade class (which really just meant that they drank their juice box without using a straw), but they were scared of actual punishment.

A little while later in class, the one ahead of Yoongi - Kihyun? - started humming, and Wonho picked up the rhythm and joined in.

Yoongi was surprised.

Not that they were humming, necessarily, but that the music was actually good.

They stopped humming when the teacher glared at them, but whenever she looked away, they started again.

Finally, the teacher got frustrated to the point where she handed out coloring materials. "You have half an hour to draw a picture. Then we'll take a class vote and hang up the best one on the picture wall."

Yoongi stared down at his sheet of paper. Normally, he liked coloring. But normally, he was sharing crayons with Jin, Hobi, Jimin, Tae, and Kookie. He didn't like coloring at his own desk without five other pairs of hands always trying to steal the blue.

And another thing. The paper his teacher had handed out had a design already on it. Everybody had the same image, a pumpkin (because the teachers decided that skeletons were too scary for first graders).

Yoongi didn't like it when he had to color what somebody else wanted him to color. He wanted to make his own picture, not a stupid pumpkin. He didn't even like pumpkins.

As soon as the teacher passed out crayons, everybody made sure to hold them in their hand so Yoongi didn't steal them (as he'd done on plenty of numerous occasions).

Yoongi just stared at the paper. He knew that a pumpkin was supposed to be orange. The leaves were supposed to be green. The eyes and mouth were supposed to be black.

But he didn't want to do what he was supposed to do. It was so boring.

School in general was boring to him.

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