1. Band of burnouts

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When you're taking notes for an upcoming test, the last thing I want is to get interrupted by anything, especially my ex best friend.

She paraded in breezily with a group  of the people she hangs out with at lunch and after school, and often times during class like today, some I doubt even belong in this class.

Everyone's head turned to the sound of the door opening, getting all their attention.

In strolled in Kat along with her friends, which I never bothered to remember the names of, in spite of the teacher using their names often enough.

"Uh oh, here comes the band of burnouts," remarked my friend Quinn with a smirk.

You would think that honour roll students would see themselves as above listening to and believing gossip but I guess that's just wishful thinking.

I thought of all the rumours that followed her that may have lead to Quinn's hate towards her.

"Kat Channing has serious dirt on the principal and that's why she never gets in trouble."

Quinn hates it when people get away with doing things, and her group seems like the type to know something on anyone, which would explain why she hates them but I've never heard of them using it on someone.

"Kat Channing spends her summers with celebrities."

Unlikely, I used to spend every summer with her and besides meeting a guy who could lick his own elbow, we never met anyone famous.

Though then again things can change, it has been a couple years and she's always had her secrets.

I figured it would just be one of those questions that would just go unanswered, like if a hotdog is a sandwich.  

I nudged Quinn's shoulder. Doesn't matter if Kat and I weren't friends anymore, it's still wrong. I honestly don't know why girls go after each other like that.

She stifled a laugh as Kat smiled her usual Kat-doesn't-feel-like-getting-in-trouble smile at the teacher.

"Sorry we're late Miss Keane," Kat's friend with half red half black hair apologized at the teacher, her relaxed expression still present on her face.

The teacher took a short inhale of air before letting it go in a short huff and turned back to the board and continued to write.

"No matter about that anymore, you're here now, just go back to your seat and sit down okay?" Miss Keane asked rhetorically.

Naturally, the group of them sat down. Most of them not even bothering to even look busy.

Kat poked the girl in front of her, Bea Abernathy, with the back of her pen. Bea, a cute brunette girl with really big glasses that always seems kept to herself, turned around, Kat have her a smile and Bea returned it with a smile.

I felt my phone vibrate and looked over at miss Keane, who was very focused at the board. I took this opportunity to pull my phone out of my pocket and read the message. It was a text from my friend Matthew, who sat a lot closer to Kat and her friends than Quinn and I did.

'These losers think that they're so edgy and cool amiright? Lol' the message read.

"Whoever's phone that was knows my rule about muting phones when coming into this classroom, I hear it again and that's a trip down to the office," miss Keane stated without turning her head from the board.

I began to type my reply, before a snapchat notification rang.

Damnit, I forgot to put my phone on mute. I'm in trouble now, and I seriously can't get sent down to the office I'll get a detention for sure.

when I heard miss Keane speak while still facing the board, marker still poised in her hand.

"Do I hear someone on their phone?" she asked aloud.

I shut my phone off and crammed it in my pocket as she turned around.

"Mr. Delaney.., was it you?" She asked me

I opened my mouth to reply, not really sure what to say or what bullshit would come out of my mouth.

"Yeah I was on my phone, and I don't feel  like muting it, what of it?" A voice from the back of the room shouted back.

Miss Keane looked up and everyone else turned around.

Kat looked relaxed with a challenging expression pointed at the teacher as she leaned back in her chair, her construction steel toe boots say up on her desk, ankles crossed.

Miss Keane looked exasperated, possibly knowing it wasn't Kat, but couldn't prove she didn't.

Miss Keane put her thumb on her temple as her fingers splayed across her forehead and took a sigh of defeat.

"Kat, go down to the office," she relented, seemingly glad to let one of the  late arrivers go, Kat's supporters booing at her consequences until she blew a kiss and left out the door, clearly not caring that she could end up with a detention.

She practically lived there for nearly half a of second semester of ninth grade.

"Good riddance," Quinn muttered, "I have work to get back to."

"But Quinn, that was my phone that beeped," I whispered back.

She simply shrugged, "meh, I'm still glad she's leaving, one less troublemaker in the classroom ya know?"


Was that really the correct word for Kat?

I didn't think so.

Quinn seemed to think so, but she didn't know her the way I used to know her.

I didn't say another word, and simply returned to writing my notes silently until the end of the period.

Though I wasn't the one caught on my phone, I still didn't want to get caught on my phone and risk getting sent down. So I waited until the teacher turned around and muted my phone, shoving it into my pocket without a second word.

Kat never returned to class.

I guess that rumour about her never getting in trouble because she has so called dirt on a faculty member is bullshit then.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. She didn't even do anything but she's gonna get in trouble anyways as though she actually did it.

AN: from here and forward, expect it to alternate so you see both POVs in one chapter as the timeline continues ☕️🎩

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