14. Ferris wheels and Funnel cakes

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A/N, This chapter is a bit slow and ends on a bit of a cliffhanger since this is the day Nate and Kat have their day at the carnival so sit tight. ☕️🎩


As I drove, Kat unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned her head out, nearly her entire upper half leaned out for a moment, before curling back in to her seat and sticking only her head, shoulders and elbows out of the window.

I really didn't want Kat getting hurt and I really didn't want her father freaking out at me for bringing Kat home in two pieces instead of one.

"Do you always do that?" I asked, gripping the steering wheel, despite there being a very small amount of cars on the road, I never took my eyes off it.

"Do what? This?" Kat questioned, turning her head to look at me.

"Uh yeah, it's kinda stressing me out," I replied, still not making eye contact, still not wanting to take my eyes off the road.

I wasn't normally this cautious of a driver, I was borderline terrified, mostly put on edge by Kat's dad, who hadn't really reacted like this around me in the past.

Maybe because back then I was his daughter's friend but now he sees me as a guy taking her out on a date.

This isn't a date though.

Was it?


I didn't think more on the subject before turning right and pulling in to the carnival's parking lot, finding a spot to park after a couple minutes of looking.

To say that the park was crowded was an understatement, he had to get 50 tickets just to avoid the need to wait in any more ticket lines.

I split it in half and extended my arm to Kat, taking the twenty five tickets I held in her direction.

She looked truly in her element, taking in the sights and sounds before turning her head to me, her usual mischievous smile appearing on her face.

Come on, let's scope this place out. I wanna see everything first."

With that, she grabbed my hand and pushed through the crowds.

At first, we were literally pushing through, but after a minute, people started to split ways like it was their job.

It took me a second to figure out why they were moving out of her way without Kat having to ask.

Duh, it's cause she's Kat.

We went on maybe six rides, including the tilt a whirl before my eyes landed on one of the food stands.

Funnel cake.

Amongst the madness of other stands just as deep fried Oreos, Red Velvet milkshakes, and other foods you'd have I be high as a kite to create, Funnel cake was a classic.

Kat must have noticed my expression and returned it back to me.

"Wanna split one?" She asked. I nodded as we made our way to the long line of people waiting for their caloriefest.

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