19. Watch your drink

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We had all agreed to meet at Matthew's house, the biggest out of all our houses due to his large family, but being the only one who isn't either a workaholic or away for college or university like his two parents and six siblings he usually has it to himself.

"Come on you guys hurry up," I shouted up the stairs, tying my shoe.

If you think I'll dress up for any of these parties you're delusional. T-shirt and adidas pants is the fanciest you're gonna get from me.

Quinn stood around nervously with a bottle of fireball whiskey she insisted I bring. No sense in coming empty handed I guess.

"I'm so excited, my first party!" She enthused.

"Second," I corrected.

She pursed her lips at me and made a face. I shrugged. It was her second party and I doubt she actually forgot.

"I mean my first party besides that one with Kat," Quinn explained annoyed.

"Yeah I caught that," I replied.

She scoffed and turned to the floor length mirror next to her and began adjusting her hair and fixing her makeup for the millionth time, adding another layer of lipstick at the sight of the tiniest spot of anything that isn't pure MAC counter lipstick.

Calvin sat on the couch with a cup of water.

"Hey Nate, I know that you're the designated driver, but can I tell people I'm the DD just so I don't get pressured to drink?" He piped up.

I turned to him, grateful I wouldn't be the only stone sober one.

"Yeah man totally."

Felix and Matthew ran down the stairs, waving katanas with star wars masks and gloves on.

"No! I am your father!" Matthew shouted, slightly muffled from his with a powerful wave of his hand.

"I don't give a rat's ass!" Felix shouted through his Luke skywalker mask as his hit against Matthew's, emitting a loud metal clang.

"I don't think that was next line guys," I chuckled.

"Now get upstairs. Quinn is getting impatient," I added, noticing how angry she was getting.

Felix and Matthew, both noticing her expression scurried upstairs and made it back down in acceptable attire in a few minutes.

"Okay let's go," I said, pulling out my keys.


Getting there was like showing up on the middle of a teen movie. It was a surreal feeling entering in.

From across the room I see Beverly, with a shimmery silver skin tight dress, loads of makeup and a huge blowout hairstyle, see us entering in.

I notice how shy Quinn looks, as she almost seems to shrink in her place as Beverly approaches.

She gives a rough nudge to Brian, who talking to the football Captain Ryan Bowie. Ouch. That looked like it hurt.

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