7. Passing notes

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"I am so done with this class," I mumbled to Jade, poking her cheek with my finger, not moving it,"

She turned her face a little and attempted to lick me, getting me to laugh a bit.

But seriously, pre exams, known to some as culminating, was a bitch to bomb so naturally, teachers were shoving down lessons down people's throats like it was the cure to stupidity.

I couldn't be any more sick of it.

Jade, sensing my boredom, quickly jots something down onto a piece of paper and makes a show of passing it to me.

Before I can pick it up, it gets snatched off my desk by miss Keane.

"What do we have here? A note? Sounds like public information to me," miss Keane announced to the class, a series of 'Oooohs' filling the air.

Miss Keane opened the piece of paper, smoothing it out with her thumb.

"Oh, a link I see, to what I suppose," miss Keane said in exaggerated curiosity.

She pulls out her personal laptop and punches it into the Google search bar. Without even looking she turns the computer around and all that the screen showed a 2009 Reddit meme with a bored looking student that read;

When the teacher's lesson is boring as hell so you have to make your own entertainment by giving her a nonsense link.

This earned a round of laughter from the students and a very irritated Miss Keane.

Bea turns around and makes a shocked face, like she couldn't be believe anyone could be capable of something like that, but also was holding back laughter, not wanting to draw attention to herself.

Miss Keane's face, now a very red shade of pink, takes in a couple breaths of air and turns back to the board and continues her lesson.

"I goddamn love you," I mouthed to Jade.

"No problem," Jade mouths back.

Though the rest of the class was too distracted with laughing to focus on whatever noncontemporary nonsense about Shakespeare that the teacher was just tossing onto the board and making us put into our notes despite its overall uselessness in future tests.

I poked Bea Abernathy in the shoulder, before she whipped her head around, glasses nearly falling off. Again.

"Have you considered getting smaller glasses?" I asked.

"Oh uh, yeah actually, I'm getting new ones soon," she replied happily.

"Oh jeez, put that away before you blind me, it's so bright," I said, in mock pain, jokingly shielding my eyes.

She laughed in response.

I like Bea, she always appreciates my sense of humour and isn't one of those people that search for ways to get offended as though it's a job that needs to get done.

I flicked her ponytail.

"Have you ever thought of letting it down?" I asked, playing with the tip.

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