10. Public displays of Obnoxious

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It's been maybe two days since Brian and Quinn had their date and suddenly it seemed to bring her to full attention of just how many people were interested in her relationship- or more so, Brian's new relationship as the school always is for a bit when one of the popular gets a new beau or belle.

They walked around the school together, making Googly eyes and kissing each other on the cheek all the time, and when I say all the time, I mean all the damn time.

Especially during lunch discussions.

It made lunch table discussions pretty much impossible because Quinn would never contribute to the topic and she'd find some way to make it about Brian.

He wasn't going away soon as far as I was aware but hopefully if we're lucky he'll leave early.

"So like I was saying the other day- Dumbledore was an enabler for the Dursley's to keep abusing Harry, even though Dumbledore could have stopped all of it but chose not to, but Willy Wonka would have been a better stand in because- hey Quinn are you even listening," Calvin asked, pausing his tangent.

Quinn was looking into Brian's eyes as she ate the gross cafeteria meatballs everyone just kinda avoids and later throws out , that's how distracted she was looking at his face.

"Why do you even have to ask, she's completely out to lunch," Matthew observed with clear annoyance lacing his tone.

"Both figurative and literal. Clever," Felix commended, attempting in vain to lighten the mood.

Matthew gave a smile and a nod back, before I tapped the table in front of them a few times.

"Quinn. Quinn. Quinn. Quinn!"

Quinn eventually was pulled back down to earth from fairyland it wherever and finally decided to re enter the conversation, snatched in by the sheer force of the table's annoyance at her total obliviousness to the conversation- which she never was.

"Oh hey guys," she replied brightly, as if she'd just showed up.

"Hey Quinn, we were just discussing the relationship between the joker and Harley Quinn, opinions?" I lied, knowing how much she resented their relationship.

She looked at Brian like a lovesick puppy.

"Well if she's happy thats all that matters to me," She giggled.

Alright that's it. Who is this and what did she do with Quinn?

"Couldn't agree more babe," Brian agreed, leaning in and giving her a kiss.

Yeah, it was time to go.

"I just remembered I have to organize the nonfiction section in the library," I excused, making up something.

Matthew looked up at me for a second, as if to call me out on my bullshit, before realizing what I was doing and picking up his tray.

"Yeah me too, I promised I'd help him," Matthew added, getting up and leaving with me.

I looked over at the table again, to see Quinn getting up and leaving the table to go sit with Brian's usual table.


"Hey check it out, fresh meat for once isn't white meat," Heaven pointed out, motioning with her chin to point at the populars table.

I look over to the centre of the cafeteria to the crowd of conventionally attractive and rich students, shit talking each other like it was going out of style.

It never has but I wish it would.

I may get called a ride bitch but I'll never have the title 'gossip queen'.

Gossip is made about people like me for people like them to talk shit about in attempt to make themselves feel better.

After a second I see who Heaven was referring to, it was Brian, with his arm carelessly slung around Quinn's arm as if they'd been dating for a couple years rather than a couple days.

Seems like their date the other day went well. Alrighty then

I roll my eyes and turn around, biting into the leftovers from the other night that was still in the fridge this morning.

"I give it two weeks," Jade guessed.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I guess Brian's just trying to get with a different crowd."

Devil rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, or maybe he's just trying to expand his group of swooning lunatics to girls that'll do him and his homework," Jolie threw in.

I put my fork down and stretched myself out a bit, ready to go full real talk mode.

"When did we go from being exciting and interesting, to just gossip addicts, come on guys, we're better than this. I guess I'll just have to take matters into my own hands huh?" I sighed, digging my hand into my container and pulls out the fat noodles and vegetables in my fist.

I looked at the girls for a split second and shouted "gossip be gone!"

I whipped my head around and threw the Udon, hitting a few girls sitting several feet away.

One of the girls stood up, removing a noodle from her hair, and oily piece of carrot sliding off her head.

"This was a brand new Marc Jacobs bag you bitch!" She screamed at me, pointing a finger at me accusingly clearly not knowing damn well I knew it was Marc Jacobs and not Mark Jakob's like her bad read.

"Whatever are you talking about?" I asked innocently, "I'm just eating lunch with my friends.

"Oh you are sooooo dead!" She shouted frantically before grabbing a fruit cup and throwing it at my head.

I leaned my head to the right, as it flew with ease past my head, but hitting the back of the head of some guy who didn't bother figuring out who threw it before snatching up a handful of lumpy mashed potatoes from his lunch tray, winding back before letting it soar through the air and splattering all over a table, sending people running everywhere for cover and for their own ammunition to join in on the edible warfare.

I looked around at all the noise and chaos as everyone scrambled to grab food!

Then a loud voice rumbled filling the cafeteria


A/N: hey guys it's me again 😜 I've been on a flight from Africa where I've been this last month, on my way to London as I type this. Suuuper tired but I've become a writing machine so if you're reading this the next chapter is already up.

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