15. Regrets

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"Wait what, I can't.., I mean..," Nate stammered in disbelief once my words had reached him.

I paused for a second to recompose myself and regain my thoughts and continue.
"I overheard Beverly in the girls room, she put the whole thing togeth-," I started but Nate immediately cut me off.

"No I mean I can't believe you would say that," Nate stated coldly.

I sat there for a second in shock at the sternness and otherwise unreadable expression on his face.

"Nate..," I started, " letting my voice trail off, not sure where to go from here. I hadn't expected this to happen so I hadn't been able to even picture a response.

"No Kat," he held his hand up, taking a huge inhale before continuing.

"Quinn found someone good for her, he makes her happy and that's what matters, why can't you just let it be? So what Beverly may have led a hand in them getting together.

Though he was speaking to me, it kind of felt like he was trying to convince himself too.

He looked at me dead in the face.

"Quinn doesn't even like you she doesn't need you sticking up for her, or worrying about her relationships either,"


He really twisted the knife on that one.

I felt like I'd been slapped. A mix of hurt and shocked, not sure how to respond to it, on the one hand it hurt, on the other hand it was from someone I used to call my best friend.

Like magic, the Ferris wheel must have sensed our discomfort and started moving again, that or the technician for it working again, regardless it started moving and thank God for that too.

When we got off, Nate's expression went from pained annoyance to pained Saint

"Kat..," he said.

We had been doing a lot of that today. I was done with it though.

"Whatever," I said, waving my hand.

"I don't care, just take me home."

We rode pretty much in silence the entire way. I never understood what anyone meant by silence being deafening until today.

He pulled up to my house, not saying a word I got out of his car and walked out of his car, not wanting to even look at him.

Just walk away Kat, I told myself internally.

Just walk away.


I shouldn't have let her walk away like that.

Watching her leave without even a goodbye hurt a lot more than I thought it would. I mean she had every right to be upset with me, I just hoped she wouldn't be.

I drove in complete silence all the way home. I felt like a puff of air.
If I could go back about half an hour back when her and I were on that damn Ferris wheel, maybe I would have the common damn sense to realize Kat is a lot of things, but a liar isn't one of them.

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