18. Sketchy invite

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Beverly won't let anyone sit and enjoy their goddamn fries.

I should've taken her climbing on top the lunch table in the middle of the cafeteria as a warning to get the fuck out of there, but I wouldn't budge.

"Don't forget to come to your 2018 Prom queen's Thanks for the memories bash Friday night! total free base!" She alerted, shaking a stack of invitations.

"Shut up I'm trying to eat!" I shouted back, rousing a bit of laughter from a sizable number

coming off the table to hand out flyer sized invites to the eagers students beginning to crowd around her.

"Katherine, I have an invite for you too," she chirped, sticking an invite out at me.

I looked at her with a bored expression before stuffing three more ketchup covered fries into my mouth and turning around.

"Kat isn't short for anything, but you already knew that," I replied, too unbothered to even turn around and look at her, which I knew she found extra frustrating when she was trying to be intimidating.

Beverly wouldn't take a hint. that or she just straight up didn't care and wouldn't budge.

"I'm not sure of you heard but as your prom queen I figured you'd want to be invited," she drawled, her fake sweet voice making no real change in my mind.

Jade and everyone else at the table were just chatting it up amongst themselves and eating completely separate from Beverly and I, either doing a really good job of ignoring her or not wanting to get involved with her and In our little 'conversation'.

"Not interested,' I said flatly.

"Oh this'll be the party of the year, I figure it wouldn't be your scene, since you're like.., a what are you? a hipster?" Beverly questioned, squinting her eyes mockingly at me.

Her gaggle of girls sniggered rom behind her. not that it was funny, most likely because they knew she needed the reassurance to keep going, not just being a bitch to me, but to do what she's been doing since high school, and probably before that. Since they've been following her around for so long, if she falls, what happens to them?

Jade, clearly fed up, turns around and snatches the invite out of Beverly's extended hand.

"Thanks, we'll see if we can make it," she replied, turning us back around.

"Oh and Beverly, is this is your attempt at being prom queen, you could just ask everyone to vote for you instead of whoring out your house," I called after her.

"It's not that easy Kat," she replied knowingly.

"You sure?" I tested.

"Oh I'm positive," she answered confidently.

"HEY EVERYONE!" I shouted, the cafeteria noise quieting.


Looking horrified to be seen with me as everyone turned to look at me, she ran off.

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