2. Gym class

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As the bell rang, miss Keane stood up.

"The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do, I need someone to bring Kat these notes for the weekend," Miss Keane shouted above the end of the period chatter.

I must've been the only person that heard her, besides Bea, who also offered to take them, but her voice was almost entirely drowned out by the sound of other students, itching to get out.

"Yeah okay I'll take deliver the notes to her," I offered.

I owed her that at least, since she probably was gonna get into some sort of trouble- if not for getting blamed for being distruptive she'd get some sort of consequence for how she spoke to Miss Keane.

Miss Keane eyed me for a second before shrugging and haphazardly dropped the couple sheets onto my desk.

"Alright you may all leave, have a nice day," Miss Keane dismissed.

As everyone flooded out, the girl with the red hair ran up and snatched the notes from me, and waved it in front of my face.

"Thanks cutie," she teased, waving the notes before racing off.

Whatever. She's friends with Kat, she'll give her the notes.

I caught up with Matthew and Quinn, who were already a pretty far way down the hall if you ask me.

"Hey guys," I said, planing each of my elbows on one of their shoulders as we walked down the hall.

"What's up?" I asked.

Matthew shrugged, "just trying to figure out why Kat took the fall for you like that, as far as I can tell she's gonna miss half of next period and she has gym and she loves Miss Monroe- probably because she's such a pushover.

"Yeah I've been wondering that too," Quinn added, joining the conversation.

I wasn't really sure either, "I'm as confused as the rest of you guys" I replied.

"Could it have something to do with the fact you two were tighter than two peas in a pod?" Quinn asked.

I laughed.

"Emphasis on were, that was before her and I stopped hanging out, even if it mattered at this point, why would she choose now of all times to do something like that?" I answered back.

As much of a valid theory it seemed, it wasn't likely. 

Quinn rolled her shoulders, "I'm done talking about her, let's go sit on the field and watch people run on the track."

Ah yes, the perks of having a free period together.

We sat I the far edge of the field so Miss Monroe wouldn't see us. Which didn't really matter if she did- be as edge really was a pushover.

Quinn and Matthew flopped down in the grass while I sat down a lot more relaxed under an oak tree.


Food is the universal language. One breakfast burrito and a chocolate almond soy milk with banana milkshake later and I left the office scot free.

All it takes is one bribed health nut office lady and you're good to go.

Now you may be wondering why I took the fall for Nate in English.

Easy, the class was boring and he's always been particular about his personal file being spotless- including detentions. I was pretty relaxed, but I would get out of them if there was the options and I knew how to.

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