Old enemy the new friend

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As Barry was running he accidentally opened up a breach. He couldn't stop in time and went trough it. On the other side it was a weird place. Didn't look like the past. Was I in the future Barry said in his head as he looked around. He saw people wearing long coats walking. He was confused. As he walked and looked around a hand tapped on his shoulder. He looked who it was and saw a man in a doctor's coat. Mr Allen.. nice to meet you in person. Barry looked confused and said: how do you know me ? and what is this place.? Where am I?

Your at the vanishing point Scarlett a familiar voice said. Barry turned to see it was no one other the Leonard Snart.  I'll leave you two now said the man in the doctor's coat and left. Barry turned  back to Snart. Vanishing point? And you're alive? How ?
Chill Barry I was going to get lunch care to join? We could talk there. Barry nodded and followed Snart. As they reached the canteen and ordered their food and went to sit down .

Now tell me everything Barry said taking a sip from his coffee. Yea yea I will Barry.. First you , how are you even here? And when are you getting married? Still waiting on the invitation. Barry smiled first and looked down at his food.. and started talking.. The wedding is off Snart, I don't know if she will ever even forgive me. I was troubled so I tried running in order to forget it but I accidentally opened up a breach and came to this place. Now you..
Well as you may have heard.. I died
You sacrificed yourself to save your friends Barry added.
So you know that story but what happened after that is my story Leonard continued.. after the Occulos explosion I got hurt pretty badly and I  was unconscious for days. After I got my consciousness they told me what had happened.  I didn't die like the others there but I was erased from the timeline. They offered me to stay and work with them and I agreed . I hoped that the people I sacrificed myself for will comeback and get be back on the timeline .. but they didn't.  I've been here for 30 years now . Here time stands still so we don't age.
That's my story. Btw you're one of their favourite you know.. sinds you know Flashpoint. Leonard chuckled as Barry rolled his eyes. So when are you planning on going back?
You are asking me to leave?
No no it's just you're not from around and I'll be going on a mission soon.
Can I come too Barry asked?
Yes you can.. but what about Central City?
It can survive.. it did fine for 6 months when I was gone. Snart looked confused but started to walk as he said :come now Scarlett we have to get you ready for timetravel and maybe you can tell me about your six months.  Barry follows .. you do know I timetraveled before right? .. yes Barry but this time we'll do it within the rules okay.. Barry started laughing  as he looked at Leonard.. yea yea laugh all you want .. but trust me when you know you're dead but still get saved it can change you .. a little Snart added

When they returned from the past.. Barry couldn't stop talking about it .. it was the first time he actually enjoyed timetravel. Barry forgot what was going on in his life and that because of his villain friend.
You must be tired Scarlett.. have some rest , my assistant will show you to your room.
Barry nodded as he walked with Leonard's assistant to his room.

Barry was having nightmares of how everyone is leaving him and going away .. he wakes up shocked.  He couldn't sleep anymore so he went outside. He asked someone where Snart was. He was in his room so Barry went there. He knocked on the door. It opened and Snart was standing in the door opening, he was wearing a sweat shirt and sweat pants. Barry laughed at the sight , he never thought that captain cold would dress like that. What do you want Scarlett?..
I couldn't sleep so I was looking for you but if you're sleepy I'll leave . Wel you found me congrats and no I'm not you want to come in.. Barry nodded and they went inside .. Barry sat on the couch as Leonard went to get coffee..
So Scarlett why can't you sleep?
I have nightmares which keep me up.
Do tell about your nightmares.
Well it's just that everybody somehow seems upset with me and well in my dreams they just hate me and ... (Barry gets tears in his eyes)
Well don't worry if you want I'll freez them and then you kan keep them forever but you'll need a lot of AC' .
Barry starts laughing and says : about now except Cisco and Caitlin you will be the one who will stay in my life I guess.
As your favourite enemy I presume?
Well not really , you sometimes just act like a d*ck but most of the time you actually show concern like a friend
So you're telling me that we're friends?
Well yea I guess....
The Flash and Captain Cold friends?
Sounds weird..
But does this mean I'm allowed to rob any place I want without you showing up?
No.. maybe I can get slow or be stuck in traffic you know ..
Leonard chuckled which made Barry chuckle
Okay Scarlett.. we have a deal oops I mean a friendship then ..
I'm still going to freeze you cause I like it ..
Barry gave Leonard a questioned look.
Fine Barry I won't but no promises okay..
I guess I'll leave tomorrow or Emmmm when I wakeup next okay..
Leonard nods ..
I liked being here even if it was by accident and I like the new timemaster too "Captain Cold "
Fancy having you here Scarlett..
They shaked hands and Barry left ...
The next day Leonard goes to see Barry off  ..
As Barry starts running he yells .. see you soon Captain Cold.. and speeds away opening a breach and getting in

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