New trouble prt 1

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It had been 5 weeks now since the big news. Leonard had to go to the vanishing point.. something came up, the council needed Leonard and they had a lot on there hands , because of this Leonard would not be back soon.
Leonard promised Barry that he will be back as soon as possible.
Everything was going smoothly.
It had been almost 2 weeks sinds Leonard left, they hadn't heard anything from him. Barry was worried but had a lot on his hands with Central City and metta-humans that he couldn't go to the vanishing point to see if everything was okay.
The legends had messaged the team that they be visiting with an unknown artefact, they needed help identifying it, but because of the time bureau they had to pause time travelling for some time.

Leonard and Barry were engaged, they did keep it a secret , only team Arrow and team flash so to say knew about it. The Flash and Captain Cold being in love? .. that would bring problems since they both have a lot of enemies. So except from the important people, they just kept it low-key

*The Legends of tomorrow *
Mick: so you think that red and his buddies can crack this? If you ask me.. if Gideon can't.. no one can.
Gideon: thank you for the compliment Mr Rory, but Mr Allen has some abilities that can open the box.
Martin: yes , Mr Allen and his abilities can help us. Did you know that he can run trough a whole train without hurting himself or damaging the train.
Nate: that is so cool , but how.
Ray: he can make his molecules move so fast that his body vibrates so fast that he actually can go true a train yea.
Sara: aww.. sorry to interrupt your fanboy moment but we're here...

* At Starlabs *
Cisco: the legends...welcome to the present.
Ray: man I miss the present a lot sometimes .
Mick: that's why you screw it up every time in the past.
Ray: me .. you mean us...
Sara: okay that's enough.. let's do what we came to do.. and then maybe we could stay for a while.
Martin: yes .. I'd love that... let's go then..
Cisco: so what do you guys have for us.
Nate puts the box on the table.
Amaya: this... we found it in Aruba .. it's quite ancient and doesn't belong there..
Sara: can you open it.. if it's something important.. we will return it to where it belongs and if not .. you can keep it ,okay..
Cisco: okay let's go inside and see what we can do.. maybe we can freeze it or something..
Jax: how will you do that?
Cisco: ohhw .. we have Leonard's I mean Captain Cold's gun..
Mick: how do you have it?

Meanwhile Barry walked in
Barry: hi guys.. any luck so far ?
Martin: we thought that maybe you could phase trough it and get the object that's inside...
Barry: yea .. I can try..
Caitlin: you sure ?.. what if there is something in it that you wouldn't like... like the philosopher's stone
Cisco: it's maybe it could be a treasure map.. be positive..
Barry: okay I will .. let's see what's inside...
Barry started vibrating his hands... he phased trough the box..
Barry: I got it .. it like a coin or something... aaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Caitlin: what's wrong Barry?
Sara: get his hand out..
They pulled Barry's hand out .. but before they could ask anything... Barry fainted.
They quickly took him in de medroom and started examining him for any signs of why he fainted .
Then Dr Stein saw a mark on Barry's hand palm.. it looked like a syringe mark.. Caitlin quickly started testing Barry for everything.
Barry was unconscious for 4 hours, which got them worried..
Cisco tried contacting Leonard, but there was no reply, which got him more worried.

Another hour had past..
Barry was regaining consciousness.. they all rounded up Barry as he opened his eyes.. he looked fine.. thank God you're okay pall .. we thought that we might be the reason something bad happens to you..
Barry smilled and said.. I'm okay..
Everyone.. now let Barry rest.
They all left the room. Caitlin looked worried.
Caitlin: guys something is not right.
Iris: what Caitlin?
Caitlin: it's Barry..
Ray: what's wrong with Barry ?
Caitlin: his results came..
Iris: what does it say?
Caitlin: follow me .. I'll show you'll..
Caitlin pointed at two pictures..
This picture here is Barry's brain.. I scanned it months ago..
As we know .. that the human being doesn't use their whole brain.. just a part of it.. in this picture you see which part of Barry's brain is used ..
But on the other picture ... do you guys see it?..
Martin: this isn't possible..
Caitlin: that's what I thought.. but as we can see .. it is..
Sara: what is?
Caitlin: more then 60% of Barry's brain is being used..
Iris: what can happen?
Caitlin: if he can't take it.. he will die .. his blood vessels will exploit..
Sara: can it be cured?
Caitlin: it's not a sickness .
Sara: which means?
Martin: there is no cure.

Barry walked out of the room
Barry: what are you guys talking about?
Caitlin: Barry.. are you alright? You should be resting..
Iris: yes Barry.. please go rest
Barry: but I'm fine.. right?.... is there something wrong?
Cisco: No no ofcours not .. you're alright..
Barry : okay.. now seriously what's wrong?
Caitlin and Martin explained everything to Barry..
Barry just sat down...
Barry: what will happen now?
Caitlin: nothing.. we will return your brain back to normal..
Barry: I hope so..

As Barry was standing up he felt something.. his eyes were changing colours.. the blood veins around his eyes were showing clearly... Barry screamed because of a sudden unbearable headache.. Nate was standing close to Barry.. so he ran to help .. but as he touched Barry.. Barry pushed him faraway without even touching him.. Nate hit the wall and unconsciously fell to the ground ..
Barry tilted his head.. his pupils were bigger and really black... his veins were so clear that it looked as if they would pop out of his skin.. It wasn'tanything like Barry.. everyone was scared of what was happening to Barry.. then all of a sudden Barry fell unconsciously to the ground... Cisco ran to see if Barry was okay..
Cisco ran towards Barry but stopped.. he looked scared in front of him..
" You" Cisco said as he stepped back..
Someone walked towards Cisco..
"Not happy to see me Cisco ? Said the person.. Cisco was so frightened that he couldn't move or talk...
The person stepped into the light .. everyone was shocked... it was non other then Eobard Thawne.. The Reverse Flash...
Sara: how are you still alive?
Eobard: I'm an speedster... I'm an aberration... I will never be gone for long..
Caitlin: what have you done with Barry? And why did you give him new powers..
Raymond: what's your plan?
Eobard: oh I haven't given Barry any New powers Caitlin.. I just took the ones he had..
Cisco: what do you mean, you took the ones he had?
Eobard: remember the syringe mark?.. the box had a syringe inside that contained a formula.. this formula is the opposite of the formula I used to become the reverse Flash.. so simply put.. I took away Barry's speed..
Iris: why are you doing this?
Eobard: The same reason I made the legion ... remember why legends?.. Mr Palmer I think my plan is obvious..
Sara: it can't be .. we destroyed the spear..
Eobard: Oh you did Miss Lance.. but as I said I'm an speedster... I just needed a loophole.. .. this time I'm not making the same mistake... this time the legion of doom will rule ..
Sara : you gathered them again.. last time it didn't really work out well .. remember?
Eobard: oh I just need to fix them up.. since you broke one of them.. Dark and Malcolm are fixed up.. I just need to fix him.. he's from another time .. this time..since I couldn't go back to that time again... so I just took the not so evil, generous one..., but he'll get used to being evil again ..
Sara: I knew we didn't totally lose him.. how do you expect your plan to work.. you got the wrong version of him... The good version..
Stein : you are telling us your plan... we didn't know your plan the first time Mr Thawn... still we defeated you and your legion.. how do expect to win this time..
Nate: you don't even have Heatwave on your side this time...
Mick: I was never on his side... and I'll never be...
Eobard: oh I will Dr Stein.. you will surely get to know how.. as for Mick.. you can still join us.. your friend.. he will be one of us again really soon.. after I've done some modifications on his brain..
Mick: If you hurt Leonard.. I'll burn you alive..
Iris: Leonard? Leonard Snart?
Eobard: yes Iris.. your new bff Leonard Snart... oh wait .. They don't know.. do they?..
Sara: what is it that we don't know? And what's it about bff..
Eobard: oh nothing... just that Leonard Snart never died.. he's pretty much alive.. oh and he joined team Flash and team Arrow.. I happen to have taken that Leonard Snart.. so that's why the modifications..
Jax: modifications?.. dude he's not a machine..
Mick: Snart didn't die..
Eobard: No.. infact Mr Hunter knew this.. I got this info from him brains core..
Sara: No matter what ... you will never be able to defeat us all together..
Eobard: I'm not planning to.. I'm.
Well... I'm just going to take your loved ones to another earth ,since there are so many of them,and make them suffer ..
Raymond: you think we will let you do that?
Eobard: who says I haven't already? Who knows if I'm already there and who knows.. maybe you're already to late...
Barry regains his consciousness.. and run towards Eobard .. he feels that it's difficult for him to run but still goes for Eobard, who isn't making a move..
Barry reaches for Thawn but falls hard on the ground..
Revealing that it really wasn't Thawn.. it was just a hologram..
They all looked shocked..
Amaya: he said that he will take our loved ones.. we should check.. if he took anyone..
Cisco: Yes .. you guys do that and Barry and I will go to the vanishing point to see if we can find anything..
They all left.. to see if what Eobard said was true...

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