Deepest desires and deepest fears

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Two weeks had past away .. things were getting back to normal.
Wally was back working with team flash, Iris was back in Central City with her boyfriend George and Barry was returning to his old self.
Barry had paid two visits to the vanishing point in the two weeks. Barry and Leonard were now good friends.. in fact Barry knew a lot about Leonard and his sister Lisa and their miserable childhood. Leonard even started laughing at Barry's bad jokes , which made Barry happier.
Everyone noticed the changes in Barry. They all like the new Barry, not knowing it was all thanks to Leonard Snart.
It was Wednesday morning when al news channels showed the same news... a new metahuman .. this one could show people their deepest desires and fears by actually getting into their minds and reading them. He was misusing his powers and had killed two people because of what they desired.
Team flash was trying their best to catch this meta but it was not working. They tried confronting him but it was as if he'd vanish before the Speedsters could to anything. Cisco got an idea, he created a helmet that could block the meta's signals. The only problem was to get near enough to this guy to put the helmet on to his head. Barry called The Green Arrow for help. They were going to execute the plan the next day. It was around 10 o'clock and Barry had decided to walk home, his new house, while walking he got a call from Oliver telling him he will be in Central City tomorrow at 11 o'clock, while Barry was on the phone he didn't look where he was walking and bumped into a guy. The guy turned and said well well well ... lost in thoughts are we.. let's see what you got in that precious mind of yours. Barry tried to make a move but suddenly felt dizzy and everything turned black.

Oliver heard everything and quickly came to Central City to tell team flash what had happened, Felicity and Cisco started to track Barry's phone. As soon as they found the coordinates Oliver and Wally went to the place only to find Barry's phone on the ground. They returned to starlabs and started looking for Barry on every possible CCtv. It had been 10 hours sinds Barry was missing and now everyone was worried. Cisco and Oliver went to Barry's house and started looking for something that could give them a lead as to where he was

*At the warehouse where Barry was held captive.*

When I took you I didn't realise that I was actually taking the flash with me, it's save to say that it was my lucky day. Just so you know my name is Dr Secret because well you know I can know any secret of yours easely.
Barry rolled his eyes.
Well let's see what or whom the flash desires. Dr Secret put his hands on Barry's head. Barry tried to move his head , but still Dr Secret got a hold of his thoughts.
Barry couldn't see anything for sometime... then he did. Barry only saw the time he had spend with Leonard Snart, he couldn't hold back his smile, Barry realised that the time he had spend with Leonard was what he loved and wanted... Barry felt happy for no reason.
Ohw how cute.. the flash is in love aww..
Barry looked confused and said how is this even possible.
You should know that Barry.. because what you just saw is what you actually want .. what you desire

*At Barry's apartment*
Cisco: Did you find anything Oliver?
Oliver: No you ?
Cisco: nothing..
Oliver: okay keep looking.. go to his room I'll check here.
Cisco nodded and went towards Barry's room and started looking.
After sometime time Cisco yelled.. I found something here.
Oliver ran to see what it was. He saw Cisco holding the remote that Leonard gave to Barry.
What is it Cisco?
I don't know Oliver.. it looks like a teleportation device.. just like the one I made for Kara.
Let's see where it leads then Oliver said.
I thought you'd never sat that.. let's do this..
Cisco turned it on and suddenly a breach opened.
Here goes nothing Oliver said to Cisco and they both went in..
They came to the same place as Barry .. the vanishing point.
They started looking around.
You're not from here .. who are you? Said someone behind them.
They turned around.. Cisco startedtalking.. I.. we're looking for our friend Barry.. have any of you seen him?
Do you mean Mr Barry Allen? Asked the man..
Yes .. yes him Cisco said.
Do you know where he is? Can you help us ? Oliver said..
The man: I don't know the whereabouts of Mr Allen but maybe he can help you. Follow me gentle men.
So who is this he who can help us. And what is this place? It is kinda cool-ish . Cisco said.
The man: He is one of our timemasters , Mr Allen often visited him. Right this way gentlemen... right trough this door.
Cisco gave Oliver a look and they both went into the room.
It was kinda like an office.
Cisco Ramon and The Green Arrow.. I wasn't expecting a visit from you.. a familiar voice said.
As Cisco and Oliver turned around they saw the one and the only Captain Cold.
Cisco: Snart.. you? You're a timemaster? How? Weren't you dead ?
Leonard: well as you can see I'm not dead and the other question I can't answer. Why are you both here anyway and how did you get Barry remote?
Oliver: is Barry here? We're looking for him.
Leonard: no he's not here .. he did visit two days ago. What's wrong where is he?
Oliver : we don't know where he is, he's been missing and we can't locate him .. it's been over 18 hours..
Leonard: something's wrong then.. because one thing I can say for sure is that he didn't timetravel, otherwise I'd know.
Cisco: how would you know Snart?
Leonard: I'm a timemaster.. I get to know if someone travels trough time.
Oliver: we'll leave then .. we need to find him.. we could use some extra help you know.
Leonard: I will go to Central City and alert all hackers and Rouges.. hopefully they can find something..
Oh and one more thing.. u can use my teleporter to get there fast.

*Back at the warehouse *
Dr Secret: now let's see what The Flash fears the most. He put his hands on Barry's head again.
This time Barry saw how his mom and dad died, how Iris was going to get killed by savitar, how he was in the speedforce and then when Ray Palmer told him that Leonard Snart had sacrificed himself .
The images kept repaying back and forth in his head.. Barry couldn't bare this and screamed letting tears fall down his cheeks.
So you have special feelings for this Leonard Snart don't you..
Barry couldn't understand anything.
How was this even possible.. he loved Iris .. but when she moved on.. he didn't feel pain.. he liked spending time with Leonard but did it mean that he had feelings for Leonard how.. how ?..
Barry was confused .. he didn't say anything .. he just closed his eyes letting tears slide.

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