New Trouble prt 2

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Barry stood there.. he looked up at Iris..
It's happening again Iris.. he's gonna take someone I love away from me.. again..
Caitlin walked up towards Barry, as did Iris...
Caitlin: nothing's gonna happen.. He will be fine..
Barry: it.... it's what I said to Snart.. things were going to well.. I kinda had this bad feeling that scarred me..
Iris: when you told Snart about your fear.. what did he say?..
Barry: he said that if anything happens.. we will go trough it ... together..
Iris: and that's what going to happen okay..
Caitlin: Yes Barry.. believe in yourself and believe in him... you will we okay.. together..
Barry: I guess.. I just need to have a little faith in us ..
Iris: Yes Bear..
They hugged.. then Barry left with Cisco to the vanishing point to get some leads .. and to see if Snart was really missing...

After a few hours they all gathered.. this time with Team Arrow also there..
Mick went to Caitlin and asked her about Snart and how he was alive and was now allies of them..
Cisco had told everyone who knew about Barry and Leonard that they shouldn't tell anyone anything just yet.. it'll be better and easier that way..
Caitlin told Mick about how Barry accidentally found Leonard, how the timemasters had made him an member .. and how Leonard had changed because of being very close to death ... and after that meeting how he started visiting them often and helping them out .. he and his sister became part of the flash family.. while Caitlin was explaining, the whole legends team gathered to listen..
After Caitlin was done talking she asked about the legion of doom and Sara started to explain.. while Barry and Cisco walked in and heard what Sara was saying and started listening.. Barry was shocked.. but then added : that was the old him.. he has changed.. he's a good guy now.. he just wouldn't admit.. just like Mick.. and Lisa.. they are better people then they were before..
Lisa: it's because we have you guys..
Barry: you're here.. you know Leonard will be pissed at me for letting you come along right..
Mick: don't worry.. I'll keep her safe..
Lisa looked at Mick and ran towards him giving him a tight hug , to everybody's shocke Mick hugged back.
Ray: how come when I try to hug you, you punch me..
Lisa: because you're not his sister.. but I am. So where are we going..
Cisco: Yes.. so when we went to the time council, Snart wasn't there.. they said he was not traceable... so we went to his room to check, then I vibed the place when I touched one of Snart's clothes..
The place looked just like this earth, but still different.. I saw The hawks there , I saw Roy, I saw evil Laurel and a lot of others I know.. mostly who should have been dead or are supposed to be underground..
So what I'm going to do is open up three breaches so all of us can go in and Harry , Wally , Felicity, Curtis, Rene, Jo , Iris and Diana will stay behind and protect the cities while where gone ..
After saying that he opened up the breaches..
Barry: guys we don't know what to expect from this earth... so be prepared for everything.. and don't get distracted... okay..
Let's go..

They all went into the breaches.. one by one..

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